Threesome pt 1

This was my first time to have sex out of my marriage. It all started on a Thursday night bowling league. I met Amber and Jen while we were starting a new season. We hit[…]

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The i-room iii

And so the debate continues as to what and who I am. Many consider me a madman, a debauched villain or a new form of evil. Mayhap I am, although I embrace the fact that[…]

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Naked in the night

It had been a hot day. Even now in the evening the temperature had dropped only a little. A slight breeze ruffled the curtains at the open window as Yvonne and Rob prepared for bed.[…]

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Body art chap 2

Jack was enjoying teaching his all female art class. Half the women were over 60, wealthy widows all, but they seemed to enjoy his instruction and his innocent flirtation. the younger students were typical residents[…]

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