His x

“Evening, Slut.” The word causes an uncontrollable stirring, as she feels excitement & anticipation begin to seep slowly from her aching body. She bows her head subserviently as she allows his strong arms to pull[…]

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My khassian girl pt:1

Before you read: This work is purely fictional. Any references to historical events or people, cultures, nations and religions are only for story effect and in no way is it meant to be an insinuation[…]

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Red chelsea

Sundeep is your average cool geek. He loves computers, he loves video-games, and of course, he loves girls. The one thing on his mind besides WOW is Chelsea. Keeping his head high, his dreams in[…]

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Niki & grace ii

Chapter 2. Paul was laying in his hammock feeling completely satisfied. His wife who was sunbathing on the deck was listening in on the story he was telling his two daughters about his first real[…]

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A short hop 1

My friend Bob called me on Tuesday and asked me to meet with his accountant Betsy. Apparently she was considering an offer to run accounting for some out of town firm and he felt I[…]

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