Take care

gotta take care of your cocksuckers, dude.” Mike frowned. “What do you mean by that?” Andrew leaned forward. “Listen: You’ve got a gay friend who genuinely likes your cock. Now I know he doesn’t turn[…]

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Blackmail! – part1

This story involves some of the most ebarrassing, and at the same time, most enjoyable experiences of my life. My ex and I had undergone a lengthy separation involving custody of our son in which[…]

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The beginning

I looked down when my phone rang and was so surprised to see your number. I was also a little worried. You don’t call me from your house. I was very hesitant to answer as[…]

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Thinking of ellen

“ We were a galaxy exploding into a million pieces, creating a whole new world, as we crashed against each other on the soft surface of his mattress, a cloud in the darkness, our bodies[…]

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Adam had been working hard for weeks. Going in a couple hours early, staying at work for a couple extra hours every day, all to try to get things running there the way he thought[…]

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Main road encounter

It was 10:00pm and Ellen a beautifull 13 year old was staggering along the main road called Parsons Avenue. Ellen was 5'4, longe black hair, greeb eyes and a nicly developed teen body. She was[…]

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The sex tutor

My husband Frank and I have a great relationship. Just let me give you a little background. I have known Frank since we were young teenagers. We lived in the same neighborhood, and hung out[…]

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