Horny mom

When David was 18 he lost his father. His mother, Heather, was devastated. The plans that were made were scrapped. He felt that he couldn't leave home when she needed him so much. Her son[…]

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Sunday afternoon sex party

Just thought I would update you on last Sunday afternoons mutual pleasuring. Absolutely cracking day for some outdoor sexual activity It is a while since we had friends round for a Sunday afternoon pleasuring. The[…]

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Four teens

This is the story of four teens exploring the world of sexual pleasure. This is based on a true story, and has been adapted slightly for your reading pleasure. This is the first of what[…]

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DANGLE The silky, white, arch is visible just above the soft leather. A slight nudge and the strap breaks its hold. Allowing her spiked neighbor to hover just above the ground. The plump digits balance[…]

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