Late for work

Damn it, I'm already late for work and there's a mob waiting for the elevators. We shuffle in, packed in like sardines. I made my way to the back, second in from the wall. Fifteen[…]

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Forbbiden pet.

It is a boring afternoon, your partner just walked in after storming out of her shift at work. She’s more like a ghost each and every day, barely even recognizing the fact that you exist,[…]

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The dream…

I had a dream… I asked you if you wanted a fuck For no certain amount, So you gave no buck. We french kissed, And stripped, But didnt get pissed Cause the housekeeper got tipped,[…]

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Jill came out

Her stiletto boots vibrated with the pulse of the industrial beat. She felt in the middle of something exciting. Around her, people clad in latex, leather, chains, and drag carried on comfortably and casually, as[…]

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Without a reason

Without A Reason JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief,[…]

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