Flying high

We laugh together as we run into the air-conditioned airport terminal from the muggy heat outside. The effect was miraculous on you as I glanced at you once we were inside. Aside from raising your[…]

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I'm on my way

Ok don’t just sent me that text, that text that sends my heart racing, anticipation, lust, excitement. “Im on my way” Will he like what Im wearing? Hmmmmm I think tonight Ill be a good[…]

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The e

The clumsy yet funny boy, known as by friends, short for Laureate, visited a particular place regularly ever since he met Lily. Lily was the girl behind the counter of his favorite venue, Elegant Entertainment,[…]

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Bb part 3

Like always – check out my stuff. Rate up or down. If your a fan, lemme know, erotic writers don't get the opertunity to get a pat on the back often so. I write for[…]

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Model turns slut – 9

Barbara took a leisurely drive towards home, daydreaming about how much fun she had doing her first movie. But still, she wasn't satisfied, at least not sexually. Over the past few weeks her appetite for[…]

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Very hard nipples

Steffi Lange swep into her office with a grim look on her face, and her executive assistant, Shelly Engel, rolled her eyes and thought to herself, ‘Oh shit, it’s gonna be one of those days!!!”[…]

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