Averse to sex

"His strong hands slid down her shoulders and around her back as he pulled her into his body. Her nipples tightened and she wished their clothing would magically disappear leaving nothing between them but heat[…]

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Tina part 1

Six months after my wife left me for a lover, that I had not known about, I was still bitter and not good company. She had taken our three kids with her and moved from[…]

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Lynn's diary

Lynn’s Diary: my travels down a road of sexual /> My mind is reeling; it’s hard for me to comprehend everything that happened last night. I’m lying here in bed, stark naked, and I’m not[…]

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Helping out claire

I work in a small shop doing computer maintenance, upgrades and the like. Thankfully I don’t have to work Saturdays anymore, as about a year ago Claire joined us and took over the Saturday shift.[…]

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