All i really want…

I’m bisexual. My friends all think I’m straight, or at least my real orientation is nothing but suspicion on their parts. I’m in love with my best friend, Jessie. He doesn’t know. He can never[…]

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Cindi I was startled by a familiar voice asking, “Can you help me please?” It was the love of my life. Cindi had sat right in front of me in homeroom for most of my[…]

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Rainbow baby

Rainbow Baby I was in Sydney visiting my daughter and it was coming up to my birthday so it was decided that we would have a bit of a celebration and invite some people over.[…]

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Hero's mistress

Hero's Mistress by Johnny Fargo Chapter 1 Young blonde Peggy Davis worried all the way into town on Saturday morning that this was a mistake. She knew it was Bob's idea and she always went[…]

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"must have"

Must Have By Blueheatt …We lay beside us now as he plays with my hair and body. I get so aroused and feel so good I have to kiss him all over. This of course[…]

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Susie and me

When I was born my parents decided I couldn’t stay with them, so a nice middle-aged couple adopted me. I’d always known that I was adopted; it had never been kept from me. What had[…]

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Diary of a gigolo 3

After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to[…]

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