Amy's bar story

A loud eruption of sound flooded into the night as Amy revved up her crotch rocket. It had been far too long since she'd gotten to ride it, having been in and out of the[…]

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2nd time

I was apprehensive about going into the office on Monday and at first I thought things would go smoothly. It wasn't until I found a Xerox of someone's spread ass on my desk, upon returning[…]

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Salvation chapter 5

Amanda sat staring at the blank paper, knowing what was expected, yet fighting with herself to pour out her feelings. Her arm swipping against her sore nipple quickly took away the hesitation as she begin[…]

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Wwe 3

*** This story is fan fiction and not endorsed by the WWF or any of the characters involved. *** Debra wrestles Luna to the mud, and Luna feels Debra's thigh as it presses against her[…]

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What vcr?

I have had my eye on Eric since he started tending bar at the restaurant I worked at. We’d had some casual conversations, but nothing that seemed to lead anywhere. It was frustrating as hell.[…]

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The ad

After having read it for the third time, Danny shoved it into the envelope and dropped it through the mail slot. For better or worse it was on it's way now. The "it" was and[…]

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Another poke, mom?

I'm getting very good at satisfying my mother. I just fucked her for an hour, made her cum four times, and left her on her bed in a semi-conscious state. It occurred to me that[…]

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Just a dream

I'm standing next to you in a kitchen listening to music and talking to you. You are wearing a pretty brown tank and a medium length white skirt looking very sexy. Goo Goo Dolls' Slide[…]

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The group 2

“Alright Kerry first let me deal with Mary.” He then proceeded to untie her hands and feet but then quickly handcuffed her and threw her on the ground. “You see girls from now on you[…]

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