The wayward sub

chained, spread eagle in an upright position, my naked body sways to and fro. i've been left there for awhile, my head downcast in supplication and eyes closed. my thick waves of hair fall in[…]

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I work a non-de office job where I am tied to a desk from nine to five each day and am reachable by phone and email the rest of the week. It is easy work[…]

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Panties [chapter 2]

This story was originally written by scotsmitch2001 for me and I took his base idea and modified and expanded it into this story here. /> The Panties Chapter 2: Jaclyn's Discovery (Jaclyn comes home and[…]

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Black candles

black candles in the night soft flicking light casting our shadows on the wall not much talking, bedroom eyes say it all cheap wine drank from a jelly glass she's no Lady and she has[…]

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