Me and my cousin

DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction directly from the Author’s fucked up and perverted mind. All participants in this story while based on the Author and his Cousin are in fact FICTIONAL and[…]

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The book

Jason shifted uncomfortably in the wooden desk. He was staring at the classroom door, waiting for Grace to walk through it. He glanced at the clock—less than a minute before the bell would ring. He[…]

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Full breakfast

Ann was 37 yrs of age and her fascination with rough and ready Builders had led her to take one as her Lover.Not only that but she found herself doing things that she would never[…]

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I'm on my way

Ok don’t just sent me that text, that text that sends my heart racing, anticipation, lust, excitement. “Im on my way” Will he like what Im wearing? Hmmmmm I think tonight Ill be a good[…]

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Alice labs

It's so hard… It's so hard not to cry in front of the scientists. I wouldn't if they'd pull the tube out of my mouth and let me talk to them. No, they don't. They[…]

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Late night

In the middle of the night, I was still awake after staying up late. Everyone in the house was asleep and it was about 2 am. I couldn’t help my hormones and I was really[…]

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