You will notice this is a story written by a man and that's because It is. I'm leaving for a week long business trip and this is keeping my wife (for two months now) busy[…]
Race car widows
Alicia strolled along the tree-covered avenue enjoying the afternoon heat and sunshine. North Carolina was wonderful in the summer, hot, but not too hot. She was still amazed at all the greenery. There hadn't been[…]
Live strong (part one)
I had just finished my classes for the day and started walking back to my dorm. I had been going to Oregon State University for almost three years now. Since my 21st birthday was yesterday.[…]
The email trail
From: Johnno To: Macca It’s true – I fucked her! It pretty much happened the way it said in the email. She is a real slut – but she’s a tall voluptuous fuck doll. Boys,[…]
Vampiric love chpt. 3
One Year Later I woke up in dimly lit room, with a small window on one side next to an elegant bed that I was now laying in, across from the bed was a big[…]
Jen, porno queen
Well, it was coming up to our anniversary and I was thinking what I could get my hubby for a surprise present, something out of the ordinary. Now we had watched a few porno films[…]
25 fight or be tight? 26 flight delight
[b]25 FIGHT OR BE TIGHT? Jeff goes to Sean’s house after school the next day. They can’t stop talking about the game as they take a dip in the pool. Sean gets interrupted with a[…]
I meet her at a bbq
I had just sat down to a plate of food when she walked into the community BBQ. The right amount of thickness in all the right places filled out the little black dress she was[…]
House guest (part 3)
-continued- part (3) The three of them ate dinner while making plans for a nightclub later on. Except for the planning, the talk was fairly quiet during dinner. Even with the quietness, Linda and Melissa[…]
My best mate dan chptrs 2 & 3
Chapter two. Sure enough next morning Dan appeared. “Ready sleepy head” she hollered. Quick as a flash I was on my bike and racing after her. We raced all the way there, both panting, out[…]
Whose fantasy is it?
It’s Friday night, his 45th birthday and Rick Mason has had a shitty day. He was supposed to be working at a construction site tonight where he could have his girlfriend over and they could[…]
A jounrye into the unknown
**This story is also from a larger story of mine, there is plenty of material to pull from, and follows up on An Evening of Bliss, so look for that if you're interested. The sexual[…]
Girl with a secret
Copyright, 2012 Castlequeen My god, what a miserable experience. Senior Prom. A solid month of preparation, a two hundred dollar dress that will have me working for Mom all summer, a three hundred dollar pair[…]
Body builder at the booths
When I was growing up, my room was in the basement of my parent's house. It was pretty nice… I had my own exit, no one bothered me. More or less, I had my own[…]
The orlando trip – part 1
The Orlando Trip – Part 1 I finished packing about 7 pm as I put the suitcase on the floor leaving it open because I needed to add a few last minute things in the[…]
Great way to start the weekend
Hey, I am a first time writer. Thank you very much for reading my story and I would appreciate any and all comments or criticisms. I plan on writing a follow up to this story[…]