Night shift 3

Now again I am being blackmailed, by a doctor into having sex with him, however eaven though IT was blackmail I was enjoying ever minute of it. He has me on the couch in his[…]

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"sweaty" part 1

/> by Julius Copyright 2005 Mitzi rang the bell. Nobody answered, so she opened the screen door and rapped with her knuckles. The door swung open a couple of inches. Blowing a drop of sweat[…]

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Vengeance 9

Ellie and I woke up at about the same time, and we simply lay there for a while, the rise and fall of our breaths pressing against each other. She slid up and kissed me,[…]

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The rush pt. 5

6 hours after she’d come home and embarked on her joint sexual relationship with her mom and sister, Melissa was standing in the shower, calmly washing the dried cum and milk off her body. Janice[…]

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One little argument cost me my world One little spat cost me my girl I still love her yes i do Without her here my life is through My heart still beats when i see[…]

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I was barely surviving when I turned thirteen. I was nothing and no one, a street rat with no home or family. With puberty came power, only not like others. I could move things with[…]

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