Escape for passion

Part 8 Chapter 8A After a quick shower and a few eats, the trio once again found themselves in the playroom downstairs dancing to slow music and getting each other horny again. Kim Lin was[…]

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Billy's sexlife 2

“Thank you to all of you guys that have posted about my first story, even the negative ones!Keep sending me suggestions about my writing style and I will try to adjust when possible. I will[…]

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Cougar condo

“This isn't taken is it?” Stephanie said to the woman laying to her right. “Oh no,” was the reply. Stephanie Van Deven put her towel out in the chaise lounge and then laid down on[…]

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Samantha's fetish

Samantha Lynn was a born nympho. Blond haired, blue eyed, early developing, she was a little sex bomb as early as 12. She started masturbating when she was nine years old. She would simply pile[…]

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Animal instincts

Katherine checked the rearview mirror for a traffic cop as she sped up to beat the red light. Running late, as usual, with a showing 15 minutes and 5 miles away. At the edge of[…]

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Burglary becomes bondage

Betty stood in the kitchen doing dishes enjoying the view over the freshly manicured backyard. She loved the way the company she hired did their work, smoothly mowed lawn, weeded flower beds, pruned flower stems[…]

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The kidnapping

It's winter and the rain is pouring down, an icy wind is blowing strong enough to make it hard to drive and the bare branches on the trees to blow dangerously, my car has broken[…]

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No.1 cousin

James was sitting in his biology class daydreaming as usual,thinking about what he would do at Lunchbreak almost drifting of to a light sleep "James" the teacher moaned,"pay /> "sorry" James blushed. "Better be careful[…]

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