Horny in the 60s

Back in the early 60s I was a horny teen and always trying to see my female cousins nude or at least check them out at my grandparents when visiting for the summer. They slept[…]

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College days ch. 04

Note to readers: Not a lot of sexual stuff in this one, still building the relationships a bit, so if you're looking for the big bang, you'll have to wait for the next chapter… Chapter[…]

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Go get some

So, you’re looking for another rhyme, Don’t know if I can do it this time, I tried to think of something hot, Something with a lusty plot, Something you can read and wank, But my[…]

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Sharing sue

At thirty years old, Sue was a very attractive young lady. She stood slightly over five foot five inches tall and weighed 125 pounds. She had a good figure with firm breasts, nicely rounded hips[…]

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Shoe shopping

He had seen the announcement for the new shoe store in the fall-out ads of the Sunday morning edition. "All Shapes And Sizes," the ad promised. "New Spring Line of Strappy Heels For Sunny Days,"[…]

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My name is Dani. I'm about 5 feet 3 inches, 126 pounds. I have long blonde hair with pink and purple streak/highlight things and darker blue eyes. Literally, my eyes look like they were photoshopped.[…]

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Fear of flying

Here is my first offering. I was written for a lady friend who was absolutely phobic about flying. It is not as graphic as some of my other writings and I may rework it later.[…]

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