My new best friend

Sarah Fernandez sighed. Her day was ruined. She had no plans, and all of her friends were doing something. She stood up and stretched, walked into her kitchen and looked in the fridge for something[…]

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Superman gets some

One fine day, Superman went to visit his good friend Wonder Woman. As he approached her front door, he heard some moaning sounds coming from an open window. Curious, he went to the window and[…]

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Caw 22 entry: dreadnought

I apologize to both Marie Stopes and Robert Falcon Scott if they'd consider this libelous. A lot of these words are Marie’s own, taken completely out of context, from her scandalous blockbuster pamphlet "Married Love"[…]

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Her first time pt 1

Adam and Deb are in their mid twenties and havebeen living together in an apartment for the past two years. They met at work and after banging each brains out for a few months decidedthey[…]

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The selection

The Selection Story: #11 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 04 2005 A story By: KaosAngel & Anonymous friend Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story /> /> Jessica stood on the corner of[…]

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Malika's journey part 2

The morning hangover was surprisingly manageable. Despite my romp with a relative stranger, I woke up feeling quite satisfied and guilt-free. Last night felt good and was needed. I turned on my side and saw[…]

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Simons wish

It was the five year anniversary of a group of friends from college. The group mainly consisted of men. Who had studied together for 3 years. Nick had stayed in touch with some of them[…]

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Meat feast

Connor was 16. 6 Foot, brown eyes, Not bad looking either. Not athletic, but certainly not fat. More than anything, he was an academic. He got the grades. His brother, Cooper was 2 years old.[…]

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