Sandy's obsession

Sandy’s Obsession My story is a continuation of (The Forever secret) Friday night was a wild night for Sasha, Sassy and I, we had a wild sexy night. It just so happens that even though[…]

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Daz meets adam

THIS STORY HAS BEEN WRITTEN FOR ONE OF MY READERS I HOPE BOTH HIM AND YOU ENJOY IT The following day Daz met up with Scott at school, both boys chatted away as normal neither[…]

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T-shirt pt 2

Now pumping your hardness in my tight wet hole fucking me just the way I like it. You have made my pussy so wet I can feel my juices dripping down to my ass. I[…]

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Graduation Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I[…]

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Misty 1

Misty 1 I can’t believe it, the pain just goes on and on, even when nothing is happening I remain in pain, I don’t know how much more I can take. They have left me[…]

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