Time off

The young intern sat by himself in one corner of the coffee shop. He had learned about medicine, but more importantly, he had learned something about life. “You look like shit, Ben.” He continued with[…]

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Mystical journeys

Her beauty stemmed like a rose. Her hair having the essence of a garden in spring. And her eyes glowed with the truth of love… She stood, breathtakingly on the crest looking up at the[…]

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My introduction

Well, my name is Lizzie Elliott. I was born and raised in Toronto Canada. Toronto is also the city or setting where my stories take place. I'm currently 19 years old, a high school drop-out[…]

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Junior sex club 7

I found a much better rewritten version of this story once online, and regretted erasing it from my computer. Here's the origanal written by someone else….I take no credit it for this, but thought many[…]

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Late three

Late Three By Systematic It was around nine or ten when the maid barged in. It wasn’t the maid I’d been expecting, and it really wasn’t how I wanted to start the day. “I’m back,”[…]

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Room service

Room Service I travel a lot for business. Usually I go to the same cities at different times of the year. I always stay at the same hotels. To keep myself out of legal trouble[…]

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