Daddy discipline ii

Daddy Discipline Part II – Dealing with Daughter Dearest… His cold hard eyes study the nubile girl laid prone across his thighs and he feels an intense jolt of arousal at having her like this,[…]

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The weekend 3

I'm having a nice productive day at work. Numbers and facts are just so black & white and I find it calming. I turn in my chair and pull a report from my messenger bag,[…]

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Sleep over

I'm at my farm when Ellen calls asking if she could spend the night, she had just finished an assignment and remembered she was close to my farm. I'm in the barn when she arrived,[…]

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Garret was my roommate of three years, a good friend and one heck of a party person. The only down side, the frequency at which he would stumble through the door at the wee hours[…]

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