A short hop 2

A Short Hop 2 By Pistachio I noticed a young woman who looked like Betsy around the baggage claim conveyor like she was looking for someone. She was a tall brunette who looked as athletic[…]

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My friend's dad 14

We were both very stunned to say the absolute very least, then we very slowly closed the door and started whispering. "Was your daughter just fucking my mom?" I asked. "Yes, holy shit," John replied[…]

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Tom confesses

going to eat you up.’ Said the Big Bad Wolf. ‘Eat, eat, eat,’ Said a disgusted Little Red Riding Hood, anyone fuck any Tom giggle a bit is he finished his corny joke. The other[…]

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[i] Boa looked out of the car window at the green apartment building. He watched the raindrops fall down on the roof and slowly go down the side of the building and hit the ground.[…]

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A routine check-up

The request came in through the normal channels. I was given the sheet with the specifics. A routine check-up of one of the older buildings located in "college town". I grabbed two of my brothers,[…]

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