After hours

It was just after 5:30 on a Monday evening as Cedric walked through the halls of the empty school. The day wasn't very hectic or even tiring for that matter, but the joy of being[…]

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Next chapter

I flung myself out of bed, the tight horror in my chest the only thing keeping me from yelling in shock. I had been kissing Tara…I had been groping Tara… “Jack, what are Amanda couldn’t[…]

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Punish me

I knelt there waiting, in the mess of my own arousal. The hot wetness all over my legs still flowed slowly from between my thighs. I whimpered pitifully, neglected waiting for the next assault to[…]

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Behind those glasses

So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! 😀 Behind Those Glasses Prologue I[…]

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When I walked in on my loving husband with another woman I knew what I had to do. He sat completely still while she covered herself with my favorite black sheets, I quickly dropped my[…]

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Face fucked

This is a story from an experience I had, hope you guys enjoy and comment. I used to post ads online looking for older men that i could dress up for and they could fuck[…]

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