The camp nurse, part 4

The Camp Nurse Chapter 4 – The Assistant by Nightshade [The continuing adventures of Chris Mattson, RN at an all-girls cheerleading camp high up in the mountains out west. Only Chris is a male. Let[…]

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A surprising twist

A Surprising Twist Here is my story about a surprising twist between some close friends and I, and one that I found to be very erotic and one that has been somewhat life changing for[…]

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Evil story of massive doom.

Mini character information for main characters: Anya: A cat-girl who enjoys playing around. Onihi: A demonic that likes to cause problems. Asoko: An angelic that thinks that Onihi is too much trouble. Asuko: A wandering[…]

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Quad's ch. 3

I have had excellent feedback on the Quad's, and as long as you the reader keep asking for more, I will continue writing. Enjoy. /> Shit! We were in trouble. My parents, who had left[…]

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My first time

I had never met him in person but we were in a very serious relationship. He lived in Alabama and I lived in New York. We had been talking exclusively for almost a year. One[…]

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Ivan By Gail Holmes The garden’s always looked picturesque at this time of year the daffodils had finished and summer had started; Ivan was around for the third time with the mechanical lawnmower, leaving tracks[…]

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FRIDAY: Kids. … Walking toward the house; reflecting. …, I think back to the phone call I received two hours ago from Jimmy. Jimmy is my nephew. It seems Jimmy is at a party which[…]

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Our first meeting

We stayed in contact via social media like most people do now-a-days, her on one side of the world and me on the other. Although we never met in person we have a good connection.[…]

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