Trailer trash teen ch. 9

************* Chapter Nine: Tina on Her Knees (M/f, M+/f, drugs, oral, petting) ************* Tina Carlson was sitting in the corner of the room, her knees pulled up to her chest. Through blurry eyes she stared[…]

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Nikki 5

Nikki sat on the couch with Drake’s arms wrapped around her. It was almost New Years day and they were watching the ball drop on television. At midnight Drake kissed Nikki and his hands began[…]

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Business part 3

He rested there, on top of the sobbing girls for a moment, letting the spasming muscles of her asshole milk every drop from him. Even as he struggled to catch his breath, his hands were[…]

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Delicate asian doll

I introduced myself to Yunjin when she arrived at my beach estate. We walked up the beach and over a grassy sand-dune down to an old Toyota Landcruiser utility parked under a big old tree.[…]

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Self storage unit

Amanda was a striking woman; her face was very attractive, with green/gold eyes, a creamy complexion and full, pink lips. Her face was framed by layers of soft black hair which she kept shiny and[…]

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Anxiety attack

I always thought that I deserved to be molested. I thought it was a part of growing up. Man, was I wrong. It was my cousin. He was two years older than me. I was[…]

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