Wife wants a big one

sex stories

After logging on the site and a few minutes passing recieved a chat request from a couple in my area. He explained he was looking for a hung guy around 9″ to fully fill his wife up in every hole she had and I was more than happy to help. She was in her mid 40’s and a killer body (not like most of these stories she wasn’t no d or dd cup) she was a full b cup but a killer looking ass and set of legs. Anyways she had a idea what was happening before we met but not that she was going to get a good pussy filling up of big long cock . So we met at a area motel that had a lounge in it and had a drink before off to te room they reserved earlier, know when we arrived he made us all another drink to loosen her up and we made some small chat but then the husband told her look dear looks like he has a BIG one ! Now I myself never wear any boxers or briefs and the shorts I had on were loose and I was growing some down there just thinking of that hot bod that was there. So I am not the shy type and said would you like to see and he answered for her “sure she would” so I drop my shorts and her eyes open wide and her mouth dropped I wasn’t even half hard and was hanging down about 6″s she said bigger than her husband hard she mention and he agreed. So he told her climb over there on your hands and knees and suck it as she eagerly did. What a wonderful wet mouth she had it didn’t take me long to grow to full nine inch length as she enjoyed every lick of it as her husband I notice just started to snap some pics from his camera which made it even harder and longer it felt. Now after what seemed forever but was only 15 to 20 minutes of her mouth covered over my cock he said you need to fuck her now, so I laid her onto of the bed and lifted her legs up high as possible and guided my long dick inside her sweet lookin shaved pussy, inch by inch it went in and she let out moan after moan tellinging me she love it and she loved her husband for finding it for her, after ponunding and getting her pussy all wet her hubby wanted to film me doggieing her and pulling her long blonde hair as I couldn’t wait so flipped her over and was careful not to hurt her to much cause I knew he want me to ass fuck her so took it easy on her doggie while he filmed a close up and then pointed to her ass so I then sliped my long pole out and he squirted some gel onto it and I slowly inch some into her ass as he announce it to her I was going to ass fuck her and she screamed yes yes yes. Now i wasn’t able to fit it all in at least this time but I did get to fuck her for awhile in her ass and flip her over ass fuck her some more on her back and then pull out and cum in and on her mouth for the camera as she then drained my balls showing all the cum in her mouth to her cameraman her husband thanking him for her gift of 9″s that night. She will want more and maybe next story be me and a friend filling her up ?


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