Families pain 2

Melanie has nice brown hair and is average height for an 18 year old. She has little waist but nice big full breast that are perky. She has a small but that can be worked[…]

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Taken again

Shay was devastated after that night. She wasn’t the same person, she went through a total transformation. She quit going out with her friends, didn’t date, gave away all her sexy, eye-catching outfits, she only[…]

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Carolyn Chase moved easily through the crowd, stopping occasionally stopping to speak with one of the guests attending black tie gala in a downtown Washington, DC hotel! With her mane of long blonde hair, large[…]

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Hymens ch.3

When the call first came in, Lieutenant Johnson was so caught up in his daydream he missed it completely. It was from "Here to Eternity" except Christine Miller and him rolled in the surf, completely[…]

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Friend's family

“Oh, here comes my mom now,” said Matt as a blue mini-van rolled up to the curb outside the high school. “How was the meeting?” asked Matt’s mom. She was a 40-year-old mother at 5’9”[…]

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Night out

He came an picked me up at my house around 7pm. My mom knew I was going to be out with him all night, so she didn’t really expect me home or anything that night.[…]

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