04] the second shot

Though this is a story complete in itself, readers would appreciate it more after reading the 2 preceding parts. Those offended by mature/young gay sex are advised not to read this. The Second Shot The[…]

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A dream come true

The ancient, dusty cobweb expanded as the warm air tugged at its weakened skeletal fabric. A rumbling swelled within the confines of the underground station; a roaring sound interspersed with the 'clickety clack' of steel[…]

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A promise

The nightclub had lively rock music playing from the speakers scattered throughout and a thin haze of cigarette smoke lingered in the air as Matt and Jill entered. Matt scanned the bar area for a[…]

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Scottish sean

I walked into work and put my coffee on my desk and my bag on floor. "Morning Sean" I said looking around the office. Sean was from Scotland, he'd transfered down here about 6 months[…]

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It was a few years ago when I lived in Amsterdam I got talking to a woman from the South of England on the Internet. We got on really well and often our chats turned[…]

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Hot apple pie

I had just gotten home from working a double shift at work for the weekend. I was walking into the garage with my stuff from work. As I was about to go into the house,[…]

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The teacher

I first met Ms. Michaels when my roommate, Cindy, and I happened to run into her walking across campus. My roommate stopped her and introduced me. "How do you do," said Ms. Michaels. She looked[…]

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Power rangers sex 2

As soon as the two cross the threshold to their shared apartment, their lips are glued to the other, ferociously tearing at the others clothes. A trail of clothing leads to their bedroom, strung across[…]

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Doug stories #1

Doug Stories #1 I was eleven years old that summer. A mostly normal growing boy I was ordinary enough in many ways I suppose. I was making the usual discoveries that eleven year old boys[…]

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