
Lying in near silence on his bedroll, Xavier squirms uncomfortably. The padding was nothing more than soft rabbit hides stitched together, and left plenty of chances for the rocks beneath him to bump through. He[…]

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Horny in the 60s

Back in the early 60s I was a horny teen and always trying to see my female cousins nude or at least check them out at my grandparents when visiting for the summer. They slept[…]

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Sexy teacher

A young boy was walked into his teacher’s classroom he had black hair blue eyes and tannish skin. He looked at his teacher, Mrs. Ashley and immediately stared at her chest and then looked away[…]

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Under the willow

Like other writers I am bored. Oh yeah, this book is 'bout some boy who has a massive crush on some girl and uh, enjoy? (Don't set your expectations to high I'm new). My name[…]

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