Hard as chinese algebra

“I’m never going to understand this stuff!” Marty grumbled, just wasting your time.” Marty knew he really needed to pass this course to stay on the team but he just couldn’t make sense of any[…]

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Last chance….chapter 2

This is not a stroke story. It's an emotionally painful romance. The only sex that approaches explicit is phone sex. Chapter 2 Saturday About Hope: I was still upset Saturday morning. I thought she probably[…]

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Through a haunted house

As soon as the first door slammed behind Todd and Valerie, the teenager’s lips met in a fiery kiss. With their tongues exploring each others mouths, Todd caressed the sides of Valerie’s breasts. Oh, how[…]

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Workin' it

I picked my 5-year-old up and kissed him hard on the cheek…it was puffed and full of cheerios and he didn’t like it one bit! He whimpered a little but was too tired to protest[…]

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