Dead men

"Chicago, the windy city." they call it. I just think its cold as fuck… I'm driving down I'm driving west on 290, toward the western side of downtown, to my office. I take a cigarette[…]

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The adult bookstore

The Adult Bookstore Billie and mark were just married, while going on their honeymoon in the Pocono’s they were snuggling in the car the whole way. They arrived at the place and checked in about[…]

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Roll in the leaves

Rachel sighed and looked up at the clock for the 100th time since she sat down. Why she had decided to take night classes after working a full day? She glanced down at her notebook[…]

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Chapter 4 Time Stops for No One He nimbly refolded the boat and sent it on its way. Calling his elder students and his former Elven spellcasters, he made his way to the center of[…]

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A promise

The nightclub had lively rock music playing from the speakers scattered throughout and a thin haze of cigarette smoke lingered in the air as Matt and Jill entered. Matt scanned the bar area for a[…]

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