Starting out

sex stories

My name is Gloria and my husband and i have been married for over 8 years we have a great sex life but after so long it begins to get in a rut we started talking about fantasys and one thing lead to another his fantasy was to see me with another man mine was to be a hooker, we talked about this and had several good sex sessions. One day we decided to take it a step farther so we went out to a bar and he went in about half hour before i did, he was at the bar i came in and sat beside him as if we were strangers, there was a guy on either side of me, i started talking to frank my husband and i knew the other guy could hear our conversation, we talked dirty for a while then I offered my self to frak fo 50 dollars he was very hesitant and the other guy said that he was interested if he was not refering to frank so i said ok he paid me the 50.00 and we went to a room that Frank And i had already rented.

I told him we needed to dance first so while we were dancing frank went to the room and set up the video camera and with it he hid out in the closet. In a minute me and (i will call him John) came to the room we closed the door and started kissing it was not long until we were laying on the bed he was taking my close off finally all I had on was my Thong and a smile i took his clothes off adn as I droped his undies i was surprised at his size, about 9and one half inches long but as big arround as a beer can i started blowing him and he made me stop he to;d me he had not been with a women in 4 months and he did not want to cum that much in my mouth the first time.

H laid me down on the bed and started eating me out and boy did it feel good finally after i was soaked and about to cum he got between my legs and started putting it in slow i was so wet that he got about half of it in me before it got uncomfortable then he slowed down and started pumping slowly going in a little bit further each stroke finally he was all the way in and my pussy was fuller than it has ever been before finally he started pickibg up the pace i felt my first orgasm starting to build he just kept pumping it wasnot long until i came i was soo wet my juice was running down the crack of my ass he just keep on i just kept cumming i had never had an orgasm that lasted so long after about 45 minutes and a steady stream of my organisms he got real stiff pushed in real hard he started cumming he fillled me up he had about 5-6 hard full squirts my pussy was so full of cum that with each stroke cum would squirt out of my pussy abd all over us both and the sheets also he told me he had a wonderful time and asked if he could meet up with me again, i said yes if you still want me he kissed me good night got dressed and left. after he left frank came out of the closet and told me how hot that that show had been i gave frank a good blow job and asked him if he wanted to eat another mans cum out of his wife’s pussy taht is another story, i can’t wait till we meet john again.


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