Sparks fly

sex stories

My girlfriend Julie and I had been trying to have a threesome with Mary for some time. I had spoken with both of them several times each and they said they were up for it. God knows I was. However everytime we got together it ended in nervous laughter. I was beginning to think it would end up just fodder for masturbation fantasies until a peppermint lifesaver literally saved my dream.

After a lot of dancing and drinking the three of us headed back to our house for Mary to get her car. Before leaving she had to go to the bathroom she said so she came in the house. Julie beat her there and as we were waiting I offered her a peppermint lifesaver and she said “do you want to see something really cool, turn out the light” I quickly did and I heard her crunch down on the lifesaver and saw what looked like small sparks where her mouth was.

“Cool” I said turning back on the lights. Julie joined us in the hallway “Whats cool”

“Mary can make sparks in her mouth watch” I turned off the lights again and waited.

“Uhh Jim, I need a lifesaver.” Mary reminded me.

I fumbled in the dark and handed her the lifesaver but in doing so my hand rubbed against her breast. I immediately forgot about the sparks in her mouth and started thinking about the sparks in my pants. I was in the dark with two sexy women only 10 feet from my bedroom door.

I heard a crunch that brought me back to reality.

“I didnt see anything” Julie said

“Try it again, Mary” I encouraged, “stand closer hun, its real cool.” I put my hand on her ass and moved her to within inches of Marys face. I slowly rubbed circles on her ass as I heard Mary plop another lifesaver in her mouth. I also put my hand on Marys back not pushing but ready to apply pressure.

Mary bit hard and we all saw the sparks, I gently pushed the two ladies together, niether offered hesitation as they gently kissed. Julies hand went down to my pants as their gentle kisses turned to tongue laden passion kisses.

I obliged by releasing my cock from the button fly and she stroked it slowly. I then felt a second hand down there as well and was entering heaven. Julie stopped making out with Mary and said to her “Do you mind sucking Jim while he and I make out for a while.”

“I guess not” Mary responded, not elequent but still affirmative. She went down on her knees and I felt her lips wrap around the head of my cock as Julie and I made out in the hall way. Julie moaned after a minute of making out and her knees buckled. I realized that while I was getting a blow job, Mary had slid her hand up Julies skirt and was furiously fingering her pussy.

“why don’t we move this to the bedroom” I suggested we all scampered into the bedroom throwing off clothes before we got to the bed. Julie landed first spread eagle Mary made a beeline for her pussy. I was beginning to think this wasn’t her first lesbian experiance as she lapped julie clit like a kitten to milk. Julie pulled me to her mouth and continued the blow job Mary had startied. Once again after a minute Julie moaned, a minute more and she screamed her mouth clamping tighly around the base of my cock. she released me and said “My turn” and she got up to switch places with Mary.

Mary didn’t hesitate and put my cock back in my mouth as I rubbed her breasts. I looked down at Julie as she got her first taste of pussy. Then she gorged, her tongue was on the slit, on the clit, down the crack and back up again.

She was driving Mary wild and Mary was recipricating by becoming a hoover vacum cleaner. I told her I was coming and she took me by complete surprise by putting me as deep as she could in her mouth and inserting her finger in my ass. I blew like old faithful and joined julie. As Julie continued to eat Mary, I fingered her until I was hard again. Usually thats a half day task this time only a couple minutes. I started fucking Julie from behind as she ate mary out. Then 1 2 3 Mary Came, Julie came and I shot the last load across Julies ass and rubbed it into her two round butt cheeks. What a night, now I always carry lifesavers when we go out.


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