Swingers gone wild

sex stories

I went to a swinger club for a party in town. When i arrived and entered there were lots of couples and singles roaming around in sexy clothees lingerie and some nude i was a little shy at first so i sat in the corner alone. I sat there rubbing my cock and looking around when this couple walked up and sat at my table. He was tall and medium build like me she was tall thick with big boobs and nice round ass. She was wearing short skirt heels pantyhose and low cut blouse with no bra. We sat there and talked and i felt a foot on my cock under the table i was hard as a rock. Then i felt a hand undo my zipper and took my cock out and the two silk covered feet stroking my cock.

It was really feeling great then tom asked if i would like to go to there room and i said sure. When we got there i was asked if they could tie my hands and blindfold me i said thats fine with me so they done so my jeans were taking off i was laing there nude then i heard the door open. For awhile the room was quite no one was there but soon enough i could here people talking entering the room i dont know how many but it sounded like several couples maybe ten people i could not see at all. Then i felt hands on me some stroking my cock some putting wet fingers on my lips. I felt nylons being rubbed all over me some one put nylons on my cock and was stroking and sucking it. There were girls taking turns riding my cock and sitting on my face. I could see under my blindfold a little there were girls bent over being fucked girls with strapons fucking girls. Guys jerking off watching.

Man i was so hard about to explode when my cock was left alone for a few minutes then the lady i met at the table got on me and started riding me fast and hard i was about to cum when she pulled it out and stoked it all over my stomach and chest. Then several hit me fast licking and sucking the load off me i just shot. The girls licking me were getting fucked from behind. I was all cleaned when then i was untied and unblindfolded all the girls were then bent over in a line and i was asked to fuck them.

The guys were stroking i was getting near the end of the line and my lady from the table was waiting for me when i got to her she was sitting facing my cock and started sucking and stroking my cock rapidly she then put her nylons over my cock and i was about to cum when she shoved her finger in my ass as deep as it would go and i let a heavy stream go flowing through them hose into her mouth then all th guys got up and came over and shot there loads all over her then the girls had to come lick her clean. i guess she was the head bitch they all left the room she kissed me by and i never seen them again at the club but man it was fun


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