Quite a surprise

sex stories

Not into long stories. Been divorced about 25 years and was surfing sls to meet some new poeple. I had previously been successful meeting couples and really wanted to meet some new couples in Florida. Finally, I got an e-mail form an sls couple and agreed to meet them at their home. They are very nice looking and obvuiousy very comfortable intheir lifestyle. We talked for a while and looked at the computer and just relaxed. I had a couple beers and felt like i had known them for many years. They were a nice couple and she was petite and glowing with a smile most of the time. He was tall, handsome and also very relaxed. They had been in the swinging lifestyle for a long long time.

Well after a while I was invited into their bedroom and we stripped and relaxed. We were doing the usual things – not to understate the feelings – they were great. We shared her and she is a turn on to the max. I felt so comfortable thant I coule relax and really enjoy the intimacy and the feelings each had for each other and they included me. I felt comfortable for sure.

Well to make a long story and experience short, I was invited and encouraged to blow Bob and he returned the experience. Before long, he was on his hands and knees and I was again invited to fuck him. His wife encouraged me and he was also feeling really good. This was a surprise, but somehow, I was not that surprised. He was handsome and had a great body. So I mounted him.

What surprised me the most — was his wife — laying on the carpeted floor — with a dildo up her pussy and just plain — screaming — watching me do her man! That was the biggest turn on I have ever felt, as I just pounded his great ass — watching his wife just come over and over again. It still — that image – remains with me today — and it was so exciting. Well it was also nice doing Bob, but that really was exciting. Ya never know what is coming next.


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