The ride home

sex stories

I am married to a wonderful lady, who i love with all my heart. We have a great sex life but me being a guy , i always wants more. Over the past 5 years that we have been together we have wild sex talks about our past experiences and all that good stuff. Her stories are the best, she lived a wild and exciting younger life . She was daring, out going and not shy by any means.My stories on the other hand were dull to say the least. I was just an old farm boy that never got out of the little local town he grew up in until he was 19.So hearing all her stories really got my mind going thinking of all the things i missed out on. I was always hounding her to do some of the things she did when she was younger with me. I wanted to experience the things i missed out on. She had all sorts of things in her stories from mmmf to hitchhiking with truckers all over the country and everything inbetween.

I’m sure i drive her crazy with my hounding and she is always telling me these things just happen ,you can’t plan them. We have done some swinging , outdoor sex and things like that which i absolutely loved. I was always waiting for her to step out of her prim and proper wife to become that wild child in her stories. One of my favorite times she stepped out was when we were driving down the interstate returning from a friends house a few hours away. She was teasing me with her feet in my lap rubbing my cock then she’d stop flash a few truckers then go to sucking me then stop, flash a few more truckers and so on. This was driving me crazy , but in a good way. Well into our ride home and kates still flashing the truckers. We come upon a trucker which she flashes him her boobs and says to me”that trucker is fuck’n hot , he reminds me of the canadian trucker with the big cock that i told you about when i was 18″.

I remembered the story well and how hot she got just telling it, It was about a trucker she had met on a whim thought he was hot and hooked up with him for the nite. She also said he had the biggest cock she had ever seen in her life. Hearing that i stayed running along side of this truck and told her she should give him a good show, that he’d probably been on the road a long time and could use a boost.Without hesitation she placed her feet on the dash of our truck , spread her legs , pulled her skirt up and began playing with her pussy. To my surprise she was very wet , It must have been the thought of the canaidian trucker story.We drove for several miles that way and she sure gave him a show, fingering her pussy, sucking her fingers , blowing him kisses and making sexual gestures to him.I can only imagine what he was thinking.Eventually we drove on and probably left him with blueballs.

I was really enjoy this ride, it was nice to see my wife spontanious and carefree. A little farther up the road nature called and i pulled off in a rest area to take a piss. Kate said she was fine and would stay in the truck, so ran in did my duty and came back out. When i got back to the truck kate was gone, i figured she changed her mind and decided to go while we were there. Climbing back in the truck i hear a blast of an air horn. Looking around to see where that came from i see the truck we had been teasing and kate hanging out the passenger side waving to me to come over. I wander over worndering what she was up to. When i get there kate says “honey this is tom and guess what? He’s from canada, he loved my little tease show but now he’s suffering from blueballs.” Then tom speaks up and tells me what a lucky man i am to have such a hot and sexy wife.

I thanked him and told him i am a very lucky man to have her.The whole time we were talking to tom kate was moving around in the passenger seat in her short little jean skirt to where tom could get a good look at her pussy.With toms eyes bugging out of his head and the look of lust in kates eyes i say”hun after teasing this poor guy all this time do you think you should help him out with his problem?” From where i was standing i could see that tom had quite a buldge in his pants. Kate turned to tom and asked him if he would like her to help him out. Toms eyes perked up and asked her what she had in mind. Kate replied , hop back in the sleeper and i’ll show you. Like a bull in a china shop tom hoped into the sleeper with kate right behind him. I climbed into the truck to watch my hot wife help this poor guy out.Now situated to where i can see the sleeper i see tom layed out with kate on top kissing him . She then slowly worked her way down to where she undid his jeans to get at his hard cock. As she released his straining cock i heard a gasp come from her and then she says holy shit this is huge.She grabs it and turns to me as to show me the size. It was the biggest thing i had ever seen on a man, no wonder he pulled off , there is no way he could shift a truck with a hardon that size.

The thing had to be every bit of ten inches long and as thick as a beer bottle. With a wink at me kate turned back and began to lick his cock up and down until she finally engulfed the lage head of his cock in her mouth. With both hands wrapped around his cock her head bobbed on his cock in time with her strokes. One thing about my kate she sure knows how to give a blowjob. In all the excitment my cock is ripping at my pants begging to get out so with a little guidance, tom and kate shift around to where i climb up behind kate and stick my cock in her soaking wet pussy, and i mean soaking wet.With all the sucking ,fucking and moaning going on it wasn’t long before i blew a huge load in her waiting pussy. kate then pull her mouth off toms cock turned to face me and slowly eased her cum soaked pussy down on that monster she had been sucking. Ever so slowly she rocked back and forth taking more and more of his cock. Within minutes she was shuttering with the most intense orgasim i had ever seen her have, squirting her love juice all over his cock. Tom blew his load as she was falling off his cock and that thing shot like guyser blasting his cum to where it hit the ceiling of the sleeper. Grabbing a towel we all cleaned up a bit , kate gave tom a kiss and we were back on the road again. Boy i sure can’t wait for our next road trip.


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