Starting over

Ann and I were married for a little over 53 year. Actually, it was 53 years, one month and two days. For the first 40 plus years, we each had our own careers and friends,[…]

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The porch

Please read Intruder first to get a quick backround. This story is very much true, only names have been changed. So things have been going very well for Ty and me. Since our first date[…]

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Zac's story 3

“So, how was McDreamy?” Randy asked as I walked in the door. “Ha ha, very funny. It’s just not time. I’m not ready for this.” I said walking into my room. Randy got up and[…]

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My sisters….

My life wasn’t ideal for any 13 year old boy hitting puberty. I grew up in a house with no father (because he kicked the bucket when I was only two years old) a mother[…]

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Lucinda I saw her sheltering under the projecting canopy of the bus shelter just along Chatham was sure it was rain was falling steadily the road glistening alternately orange in the street lights glow and[…]

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