A place

i am going to make you pay for making me wait. we have danced around this idea of us being together for almost 2 years now. time passes, and yet i think of you. you[…]

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In the water

The crowd collectively moved as one in their white uniforms, their belts swinging from side to side. In the front of the room was their instructor, clad in the same white dress with a black[…]

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My holiday

My first story, tell me if you like it and maybe i'll write more. WARNING: This story contains themes of, as you may have guessed from the tags, children, homosexuality and rape. I fthese offend,[…]

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Waiting My husband wanted me fucked. It was his fantasy to have me full of cum like a sloppy whore. Though you might not be able to guess this by looking at me at work–as[…]

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Alone in the woods

I was deep in the forest and it was getting dark, light was running scarce. Only my red cloak and hood shielded me from the fierce cold. There was a crackle behind me, I couldn’t[…]

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Karen tapped Steffi on the shoulder and told her that Miss Peters wanted to see her in her office right away. Steffi finished buttoning her blouse and asked, "Did she say what she wanted?" "Nope,"[…]

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