Business trip

sex stories

A guy is on a business trip to Amsterdam. One night he visits a brothel and spends half an hour drinking at the bar while he weighs up the goods. After he’s turned away quite a few offers from the girls he deems that it’s time to talk to the madam.

He says “I’ve looked at your girls and had some really interesting offers but can’t see what I’m looking for tonight, maybe you can advise me.”

The madam replies “Whatever sir wants I feel sure we can be of />
So the guy says “ What I’m really looking for is a fat girl with big soft saggy tits and a cunt like a ripped out />
The madam replies “Ah, I think that sir is feeling kinky, yes?”

The guy answers “No, just homesick”.

story by: cuckoldpaul

Tags: sex joke sex story

Author: cuckoldpaul

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