Sandy’s sex toy store

sex stories

Sandy slowly rubbed the dildo’s round head complete with the ticklers up down her pussy lips a few times. Then she gently inserted it into Zoe’s vagina and started to build a slow rhythm – the curve of the dildo going up and in with every gentle stroke. Zoe let out a scream of delight. She saw me standing at the doorway with my cock in my hand. She gave me on of those ‘come here give me your cock’ looks. How could I resist? Sandy slowly rubbed the dildo’s round head complete with the ticklers up down her pussy lips a few times. Then she gently inserted it into Zoe’s vagina and started to build a slow rhythm – the curve of the dildo going up and in with every gentle stroke. Zoe let out a scream of delight. She saw me standing at the doorway with my cock in my hand. She gave me on of those ‘come here give me your cock’ looks. How could I resist?

My girlfriend Zoe I were sitting around the house one day, bored out of our ever-loving minds.

There was nothing on the television. We both were tired of playing video games. We had already had sex that morning, even that was a little dull.

We needed something to spice up our day.

We decided to go window-shopping downtown. We had been walking around for about thirty minutes when my girlfriend spotted an adult toy store. We were both sex store virgins and quite curious about what we’d find. We had no idea what we were walking into!

My cock was hard the minute we walked through the door. We were entering a world of glorious dildos, whips, little clit buzzers and so much more…        

We browsed for a bit looking over the amazing merchandise. I could sense my girlfriend was getting horny and I guessed her pussy was probably wet and ready to go.

Zoe noticed something on the wall that sparked a real interest in her. She licked her big, pink upper lip and said

“Oh My God! I need to check that out!â€

She reached up over her head towards the rack of assorted ‘guaranteed orgasm machines’.

Zoe grabbed hold of a pink dildo with green polka-dots. Its last couple of inches curved upward. At the tip of this wondrous delight was a round ball with several soft tickling arms protruding from the top like it had a little dildo afro!

She pulled it down and cradled it in her two hands – a look of pure curiosity poured across her face. My girlfriend took this exotic looking sex toy to the counter with a saunter of anticipation.

At the front counter we were greeted by a smiling, knock-out blonde who obviously tans in the nude. Her skin was the color of a perfectly browned sugar cookie and she had long smooth legs.

Her large, inviting breasts were barely covered by a red micro bikini top. This was complimented by a pair of very low cut jean shorts. The shorts were shaped to expose her beautiful bottom just enough to keep my rock hard penis just about ready to explode in my own shorts. She just exuded sexiness!

Zoe got to the counter with a look one gets when they are about to learn a exciting new secret.

The girl behind the counter smiled and asked

“I’m Sandy. How can I help you two?†She winked her left eye at us.

“Hi Sandy, My name is Zoe. Could you please tell me more about this?†she held up the intriguing dildo.

“Sweety, this what they call a G-Spot tickler. They are an extreme amount of fun if you know how to use one.†Sandy said with the air of an expert.

“How do you use it?†asked Zoe.

Sandy smiled

“Would you like a demonstration?†she asked. Sandy looked up the isles of the store to make sure we were alone, locked the front door and flipped the sign to ‘closed’.

She then came back to where we are standing and gently grabbed Zoe’s hand. She looked at me and said

“Follow us big boy, so you can see how this done.â€

Sandy escorted the two of us to a black curtain in the furthest left hand corner of the store. She let go of Zoe’s hand and swung open the curtain revealing a small room with a soft-looking leather couch against the wall.

She grabbed Zoe by the hand again and led her to the couch, leaving me standing at the doorway. Before letting Zoe sit down Sandy got down on her knees directly in front of my girlfriend.

Zoe was visibly shaking with anticipated delight.

Sandy pulled down Zoe’s shorts and panties all in one smooth, quick motion. Zoe’s well-manicured pussy was glistening with excitement.

“You have such a pretty pussy – I love the small strip you have here.†Sandy told Zoe as she lightly kissed the small landing strip of hair just above Zoe’s clit.

Zoe blushed and squeaked out a small

“Thank you.â€

Sandy gave Zoe a few more kisses on her now pulsating pussy. Then she slowly stood up sliding her hands up Zoe’s 105-pound body, chiseled tightly with beautiful feminine curves.

Once she was standing Sandy gave Zoe a light kiss on the lips and whispered

“This will change your life.â€

Sandy had Zoe lay down on her back on the couch and placed a soft, pink cushion under her head. Then she reached softly between Zoe’s thighs and began to gently rub her clit.

Not that Zoe needed any foreplay. Her pussy was dripping wet and ready to discover what this weird dildo would do.

I was standing in the door watching. I’d taken my throbbing rock hard cock out of my shorts and held it in my hand.

Sandy grabbed the curved pink, polka-dotted dildo and applied a little lube to the latex afro tip. She then placed it just between outer lips of Zoe’s pussy. Zoe let out a small quick sound of ecstasy.

Sandy slowly rubbed the dildo’s round head complete with the ticklers up down her pussy lips a few times. Then she gently inserted it into Zoe’s vagina and started to build a slow rhythm – the curve of the dildo going up and in with every gentle stroke.

Zoe let out a scream of delight. She saw me standing at the doorway with my cock in my hand. She gave me those ‘come here give me your cock’ looks. I couldn’t resist!

I walked over to Zoe’s head. As Sandy gently hand-fucked Zoe with the weird looking dido I positioned myself just at the right position so Zoe could reach my cock. Zoe grabbed my hunk of man meat and stroked it vehemently with her right hand.

My cock was directly over her face, which was contorting to the wonderful feeling of being fucked with a weird looking dildo. Zoe began to pull my cock hard as she let out more screams of joy.

I felt my load building up in my meat tube.

Sandy picked up the pace with G-Spot dildo tickler thing. Zoe let out an ecstatic scream…

“I’m going to Orgasm, OH MY GOD! I’m Cumming!â€

As she let out the last moan of pure pleasure she squeezed my cock hard making me shoot my load all over her face.

She seemed to be enjoying my shower of man gravy and licked every bit she could reach with her tongue as Sandy pulled out the G-Spot Finder.

The she sat up and turned to Sandy

“We’ll take two!†she smiled.

Since that day Zoe and I have been regular patrons of Sandy’s sex toy shop. We no longer have to go to far to spice up our days and our love life has juiced up tremendously.

Thank You, Sandy!


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