Sub wife

sex stories

i have a verry submissive wife that lives to be controled and told every thing she must do .she has been that way for several years and i have her trained to ask for her weekley punishment every sat night without fail.when the time comes she is made to strip naked and has padded cuffe placed on her wrists and ankels,thats the only thing she will wear during this verry painfull time.on some sta nights we have company over but she still knows she will be punished and they will be allowed to watch if they want which they always do .last sat night after she was striped and cuffed i had her stand at the padded table edge so her ankels could be hooked to the legs keeping them spread wide open,her arms were then stretched out in front of her and hoked to keep her bent over and her ass stretched tight.there were two of her girlfriends over that night and they both were getting excited watching her being made ready to be punished.i first took out a 4″wide leather strap full of cut out holes and a handel that u could get two hands on if u wanted to without warning iraised it high and brought it down on her bare ass making her squeel and beg for no more i just keep laying them to her ass till it was starting to bruse fron the hard and severe hits.i told her to relax it would be 5 min befor we started again.i ask her friends how they liked seeing her that way and both said they were all wet from watching it i then took a wooden paddle and told her she would get 25 to each ass cheek and then gave them to her which had her in tears befor we even got started good but she never ask for them to stop.when that was over i had her friends untie her and lay her on her back with her pussy at the table edge and hold her legs back and spreas wide the look on her face told me she knew what was cummibg next, i took a narrow leather stra p 2″ wide and 2 ‘long and told them not to let her legs go till i was done i then layed the strap between her legs and into her tender pussy over and over till the loips sweeled so big it closed her hole up i gave her 30 verry hard swats to the pussy befor stoping.her friends then striped and took turnes making her lick them both till they cum then took a strap on hugh cock and fucked her raw pussy till she came so much she passed out.


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