As it should be

sex stories

Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life… As the plane touched down these words spun around in my head as the butterflies played drum solos in the pit of my stomach. Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life… As the plane touched down these words spun around in my head as the butterflies played drum solos in the pit of my stomach. The captain spoke and soon we were all shuffling out to the baggage claim area. Not that I had muToday Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life… As the plane touched down these words spun around in my head as the butterflies played drum solos in the pit of my stomach. Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life… As the plane touched down these words spun around in my head as the butterflies played drum solos in the pit of my stomach.
The captain spoke and soon we were all shuffling out to the baggage claim area.
Not that I had much to claim, Master told me to pack the basics, the minimum.
But as I looked through my clothes – what to pack and what not to pack became a far tougher decision than I expected. Then again He will decide anyway.
I picked up my medium sized suitcase and walked toward the exit, searching for Him. Looking…searching…and for a moment, sinking with the thought that He may not be there.
Then He appeared. Smiling…hugging…kissing…seriously kissing me like I had never been before, so intensely, so roughly I could barely breathe. Taking my medium sized suitcase from me – the embrace was broken, the kiss over.
“Seriously slave, if this is the minimum I would hate to see you pack the maximum.â€
“I’m sorry…†I blushed.
“You aren’t but you will be.â€
With his definite tone I had to stop myself – stop my cunt from taking over. He grabbed me by the wrist, seeming a little annoyed.
Again I blushed.
Once in His car the ride to His home – my new home my new life, was shrouded in silence. Except for the occasional gasp, as He checked out my wet cunt and voluptuous tits – one-handed as He continued to drive. A smirk of approval on His face and a noticeable bulge in His jeans.
“Well at least you followed that order slaveâ€
Acknowledging that I came prepared, not wearing any underwear as He had ordered. Then we were home. Walking inside, I didn’t know what I expected, actually that’s not true, what I expected was something out of Story of O, a castle-cum-dungeon, which of course it wasn’t.
Instead it was a very ordinary very unassuming house, right in the middle of suburbia – if the neighbors only knew. I grinned.
“For now you can walk around and check out your surroundings but as of tomorrow, your place will be here.â€
He gestured at a corner of the living room, where there was a dog bowl and a chain bolted to the wall, on the end of the chain a silver collar made of steel. My collar.
“But now you are home slave, you ought to be naked.†Just as I was taking everything in. The reality of my new life…my future. The cold harsh reality. He shouted.
I jumped and I could have sworn He was about to laugh, or maybe not. I got out of my dress and shoes, which He immediately took away.
I stood in the middle of the living room, trembling, not only from the cold but with excitement. I wasn’t sure what to do next, despite Master saying I could walk around and check things out. He stood back with arms folded, watching me cautiously check out my new surroundings like a new puppy sniffing out its territory.
It was your every day garden variety house except for the corner designated as my “place.†The excitement and trepidation took a hold of my bladder and soon I was in dire need of the toilet.
“I have to pee Master.†He stared at the dog bowl. I froze. We stared at one another, me waiting for Him to take mercy on me and He not budging. So for the first time in my life I peed in a bowl in front of my Master. He continued to stare even glare at me – which gave me chills. Did he really expect me to drink my pee? I wondered. And as if He read my mind, He replied out loud.
“Yes slave, I do, so go on…drink it.†I wasn’t at all certain about it but this was my life now, so I gulped it down. Coughing and spluttering.
“Good girl.†He replied, approaching me and stroking my hair then taking a fistful of it and pulling me close, kissing my mouth, my piss-soaked mouth. And once again I struggled to breathe.
He walked over to the couch, opening my suitcase. Pulling out and inspecting my clothes. I stood waiting for the next direction.
“Well, since you don’t seem that keen to check out your new home, I think we should start your routine as of now.â€
“Yes Master.†I was still a little stunned that He had already expected me to drink my own pee, so any more words were beyond me.
“But before I chain you up, we need to celebrate your new life; I think a bonfire burning all this garbage is very symbolic of your new start – burning your past.â€
He walked outside and I followed. Dumping my clothes – everything except for the simple cotton dress and shoes I had worn on the plane, was now in a heap in the back yard, as He began smothering them in gasoline. Passing me the lighter, He spoke.
“I think you should have the honor of burning your past into nothing – then we can focus on you becoming nothing, right?â€
“I am nothing.†I said barely aloud.
“Correct slave.†He replied.
Then I walked up to my clothes, with the lighter in my hand and ignited them. Stepping back and watching everything go up in smoke, becoming nothing.
“Good girl.†He replied, then He walked inside. I followed. Walking to my corner and kneeling. A stray tear making its way down my cheek. Which didn’t seem to move Him one way or the other, so I swallowed back further tears.
“Tomorrow will be a new day slave and just to remind you we rise early in this house.â€
I wasn’t sure what Master meant by this, given I was chained to the corner but I was sure I would find out. He began to cook his dinner, the scraps of which were for me. But after the last few hours of getting naked, drinking my own pee and burning my clothes I would eat anything. Even asking for more – this was my first transgression.
Master unchained me and quietly walked me to a room that looked like it was set up for play, although punishment was more likely. He placed me in the corner and the flogging began. Over and over and over until I couldn’t stand, falling to my knees apologizing and trying not to cry.
“Oh for fuck sake slave, tears already and we haven’t even started, surely you know training isn’t meant to be fun. Life is going to be very hard for you if you don’t toughen up, I can promise you that.â€
Although my apology went unacknowledged, I knew never to ask for more again. And that I should shed my tears sparingly or, as He warned, life was going to be hard. – I was a quick learner.
I returned to my corner with my back and arse cheeks stinging, so sitting or even leaning up against the wall, hurt. I eventually decided to lay down in the foetal position figuring that might keep me warm. Not daring to ask for a blanket. Frozen, trembling, overwhelmed.
My mind wondering what I had let myself in for, yet anxiously and excitedly awaiting tomorrow and the next tomorrow, into my life of filth, abuse, degradation and love…
Always love was what Master had said. And it was with that in mind that I closed my eyes and fell asleep. But just as I drifted off He walked over and pissed on me.
I was startled but quickly realised I must get on my knees to take His stream in my mouth, after all I had received a flogging for asking for more food.
Did I want another for not swallowing all of His piss? Then again it wasn’t my choice.
The days of me deciding and choosing were over – now my life was what and how my Master wanted…
This much I knew for sure. I was tired…so tired…sore…so sore but regardless I was quickly in position swallowing…swallowing my Master’s piss but before He left to go to His bed.
He leant over and parted His arse cheeks. I licked Him as deep and as best I could, given I was chained to the wall and obviously He stood only just close enough so my collar almost choked me. Then He stood, taking a few steps, so I thought He was walking away until He spun around slapping my face hard and with that He bid me good night.
“Rest well slave, you are going to need all the energy you can muster.â€
And with those words the lights were switched off and He was gone. I sunk into my corner, my face stinging, my back and arse cheeks still hurting from the flogging earlier, accompanied with pangs of hunger and tired…so tired…..
Curling up into the foetal position again…Then waiting….anticipating…waiting…..until eventually I fell asleep.


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