The delivery guy

sex stories

As i walk into your office you are on the phone and i look around and see it is just us there all alone. I prop in the door way waiting patiently for your phone call to end. As you hang up the phone i walk over and kiss you ever so passionately and reach down to feel your breast. I push you back into your chair as reach down and undo your pants while still kissing your wet lushus lips. I kiss my way down your stomach as i pull them off of you to realize you have no panties on.

I remove them from your legs and start to nibble and suck your toes as i rub the other foot and kiss my way back up your leg. spreading your legs so that i can get to your moist wet womanhood. smelling your sweetness drives the fire inside of me as i spread your legs and start to lick you and suck your clit. I reach around behind you grabbing your ass and pulling you into my face so that i can probe you with my tongue licking and sucking your sweet juice from deep within. putting your legs over my shoulders so that i have better access to where i want to be the taste and the smell are driving me wild and making the fire with-en me rage.

As you slide out of the chair onto the floor so that you can sit on my face and grind your pussy into my mouth you undo my pants and open them so that you cant get to my throbbing cock.You start licking and sucking the head of my cock gently teasing as you start licking the shaft. At this point you are so enthralled with what is going on you don’t care who is watching or where you are. You start sucking my cock like its the only one you want and you want to suck it dry. As i feel my cock throbbing in your mouth i feel your muscles start to contract and spasm as you start into a bliss full orgasm letting your juice flow straight into my mouth.

I am so over come with the passion I forget to warn you that i am about to explode and the cum starts flowing as you suck me dry licking and sucking every last drop until i am spent. My cock gets hard very quickly as i play with your breast and roll your nipples around in my fingers. You roll me over and climb on top and slowly slide down my shaft as i feel you tremble from the feelings that you are having. You rise slowly and slide back down as you gain speed and momentum bouncing your lovely ass up and down on my crotch. i squeeze it and dig my nails into your flesh as i try to keep from having another orgasm so soon. watching your breast bounce in my face as you are riding my cock i lean forward to suck and lick them like a kid in a candy store. overcome with the the bliss that we are both in we cum together what seems like gallons and you stay on top of me till my penis is soft. Rubbing your clit back and forth on the shaft till i am full hard again i roll you over and slide it back into you.

Putting your knees up to your ears so that i can suck your toes as i slide back and forth inside of your tight wet pussy. Nibbling each toe individually so as to one not being left out kissing your legs and moving up your thighs. I start sucking your breast and gently nibbling your nipples as i roll my tongue over each one of them licking the sweat from your breast as it rolls down i lean forward to kiss you and start sucking on my tongue as i probe your mouth with it . My hard shaft is pounding in and out of your tight wet pussy slamming harder and harder as you take the length of my shaft to its depth.You moan with passion and pleasure as you tell me to fuck you harder and faster. I speed up and start fucking you with all of the energy left in me as if it was my only mission on this earth to provide you with Ecstasy at this moment. pounding your womanhood with all i have as your pussy starts contracting in spasms around my hard cock I start to cum yet again filling you with my love juice as we both are in the throws of one more passionate orgasm .

With sweat dripping from our bodies we roll over to realize our surroundings. All of the people who were not there are standing around us watching in awe and amazement as to what they have witnessed. I deliver my package and get your signature as i get dressed to go to my next stop. As I walk towards the door your boss tells me that was one hell of a tip shakes my hand and tells you that you just got a five dollar an hr raise. For the most part not all of my days are this good but this was the best day of my fed ex career. I will deliver your packages any time.


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