She found out

sex stories

I came in from work one night and Kate called me into the computer room. I gave her a kiss and asked her what was up?”Is this what you like doing on the net?” she asked.I looked over and saw that she had found my hidden web sites that I like to visit. It was cuckold sites, watching wife sites and story sites. I was speechless.

“Well, what do you have to say? she went on, “Is this what turns you on, thinking of other guys screwing your wife?”I knew I was busted, “Well, as a matter of fact, I have fantasized of watching you screw someone else in front of me.”

“Why?” She asked.I then began to explain how I found it arousing, I showed her the sites that talked about it. How it is a very common sex theme for married men and men in a long term relationship with someone. She read one site and then another. She began to realize that it was not that I wanted an affair with someone else, but that I desperately wanted to see her with another man. For her to be sexually liberated and to sleep with whom ever she wanted to.”I guess you have thought about this for a while?” She asked.”Yes, for over a year now, to tell you the truth, I even fantasize about it when we are making love and that I am watching you having sex with someone else.” I replied.”Do you think you can handle this, I mean watching me “do it” with someone else?” she went on.

“I guess I cannot honestly answer that till I actually see you and him together, but yes, I can handle that.”

“Tell me some of your fantasies?” she asked.

I told her that it might sound corny in daylight to talk about them. I admitted to her that I had written several stories about a girl like her, having sex with different men with her husband’s approval. I showed her the web site and let her read several stories. They were from a single encounter, to a three way to a gang bang.

“Do you read your own stories?” she asked.

“Yes, I do.””Do you masturbate and see me in those stories,” she went on.”Yea, sometimes.”

“Big question, after you come, do your wants or desires change or do you still want me to act out these stories” she asked.”My desire does not change, even after I come.”We talked some more, I told her what she might gain from a hot wife lifestyle. She asked me what I would get out of it. I told her that my desires were similar to the information she had already read… that is was a show off thing, kind of personal porno thing. After reading my stories, she asked me what was it that really turned me on. I told her that it was to watch her having sex, for her to enjoy it, not because I wanted her to do it, but for her to want to.

“I noticed in your stories, most of the guys are younger”. Yes you look much younger than you are and its a turn on knowing that a young guy wants a MILF like you.

“So, how do we go about it?” she asked.

“Not really sure, I think it should be a stranger.”

“I do too she said and are, you are sure you can handle this and this is not just some weird plan so you can start screwing other women.””I promise, that is not what I want, but we need to set some rules so we don’t mess up,” I added.We discussed that it should be a stranger, and we could have the same guy more than once… but if one of them begin to have feelings for each other, we would break it off.

“I am not so sure that I can just go out and pick up some guy and sleep with them” Kate went on,” I am not all that HOT looking, my boobs are small and not exactly a super model.””Kate, you have had one night stands before we met, you even told me that you have been with over a dozen guys… so what’s the difference now?” I asked, “did anyone complain about your body before you met me?””Well for one, I am married and I am suppose to only sleep with my husband, not sleep around like some slut.” she replied, “and I am now over 30.”

“Trust me, you will have no problem finding men for sex, you have a super hot body and you are just enjoying sex for the sake of sex, no strings attached, you even have your husbands approval,” I responded.

“I just don’t think I could screw someone new with you sitting there watching me” Kate stated, “could we let me get started solo at least the first time.”

“I guess we could, if it would make you feel more comfortable.”We agreed to go to a town that is about a hour and half away. It is the state capitol, so I suggested we go to the Sheraton first, since it has a nice lounge and the chances of finding a guy would be better.

She wore her dark red sun dress that showed off her body. It had a slit up one side. She likes to keep her body tan. The sun dress is cut low in the front, even though she has small breasts, I told her that men love boobs of all shapes and sizes.

We checked into the hotel room and had a nice meal. We discussed how we would go about it. I would enter first and find a corner spot. She would enter next and have a seat at the bar and look for a possible partner. If she got in trouble, she would signal. I wanted to get a spare room for us to use, but she was still undecided if she could go thru with it.

I was not in the bar long when Kate entered the bar.

The bar was about 1/2 full, mostly men and I felt that she would not be alone long. She ordered a drink and began sipping it. In less than a 1/2 hour, she had a man vying for her attention. She danced with him a couple times and then finally a slow dance was played. He danced really close and felt her butt as they did.I went and got another room and when he left to go to the bathroom, I went over to Kate and asked.”How is it going?””Fine” she said.”Do you like him?””Do you mean is he the one for the night,””Yea, I guess,” I answered, and gave her the room key.”So this is where I am to take him?”

“Yes, if you are sure you are ready,” I replied.

“But are you ready for this….even if we stop after this guy, you know it will be different,” she went on, “I mean are you really good with me sleeping with him tonight?””Yea, I am good with it… did you bring your condoms?””Yes, I grabbed a pack and put them in my purse.””When are you going up to the room?” I asked.

“Not sure,” staring into my eyes, “are you really sure?”I looked back, “Yes I am, I want you to enjoy it too.”

“I hope I will too.” she said I left and sat back down at my table. He returned and they had another drink. After they were done, they left the bar and went up to the room I gave them. I waited for a call for the next hour. Finally the cell phone rang. “He’s gone.””Are you ok?” I asked.

“Yes, would you like to come up, do you have a spare key?””I’ll be right up.”

The ride in the elevator was a long one. I wondered what would happen now. How would I react to her after this, or how would she react to me after this. I walked into the room, Kate was laying on the bed, partially covered with a sheet. She was smoking a cigarette and said hello.”How was it, I mean was it ok, any problems?” I asked.”It was fine, kind of awkward. I forgot how awkward it was with a new person.” She went on, “Not sure what someone likes, uncoordinated movements.”

“Do you want me to tell you what happened?” She asked.

I sat on the bed and touched her leg, “Sure, what happened?”

She told me that is was awkward at first once they got to the room. Finally he started to unzip her dress.

Once it was off, she was down to her thong and heels.

He sucked on her nipples a little and as he kissed her neck, he began to rub his finger around her crotch.

She said, “At that point, I began to undo his belt and unzip him.” Kate went on, “I took out his cock and began to stroke it.”

She told me that she sat down on the bed and began to suck on his cock and after a while, he pushed her on the bed and began to take off her tongs. She told him that she had condoms in her purse. She got up and took them out of her purse and opened one of them. She put it on his cock and rolled it up on him. She then scooted back on the bed. He got between her legs and entered her.

“What was it like, having someone new?” I asked.

“Different, kind of supercharges you, the unknown of a new lover.””Did he make you come?” I asked.

“No, but I still liked it.” she replied.”Will you do it again?”

“Do you want me to?” Oh hell yes i do , I said I then kissed her and began to lick her pussy and got her to a moaning orgasm. I then fucked her and all I could think about was her fucking that stranger.

After I had came, I rolled off of her and she got up to go to the bathroom. I watched her naked walk across the room. I was still aroused and wondered what it would be like to see her actually fuck someone.

Chapter 2 Kate does it in front of me.

We did not bring up the subject again for a 2 weeks or so. I brought up the idea of going to the Sheraton again this next weekend. Kate was ok with the idea. I was trying to keep her moving and getting more comfortable with it.”I want to watch you this time, not participate, just watch.”

“I am not sure some guy I pick up would be willing to be watched, especially by the husband of the woman he is screwing.” Kate added.

“Don’t bring it up to the very end, by then he will be so worked up that he won’t care if he screws you on the dance floor,” I responded.

“Have you thought about going further?” I asked.

“Like what, I am already screwing total strangers.”

“You know.” I went on. “I am not going to let a group of strange guys fuck me ?””I just don’t know….let’s take it slow for now, I am enjoying it and so are you… lets don’t mess it up,” she concluded.

In two days, we were back in the bar. I told her that we would use our room this time and I got a suite.

Kate wore a black halter top with a short skirt.

The skirt rode low enough to show her tattoo at times, making her even more sexy.

Again it did not take long for her to find a man, actually she was a bit more picky than the last. The second guy to talk to her, turned her down if I was to watch. When she went to the bathroom, I spoke to her and told her to wait till they were to leave for the room and then mention it.

She spent the next few hours finding the right man and when the time was right, go up to the room. Finally she gave me a signal I got up to the room before them and sat in the chair by the bed. I heard the key go in the door and they walked in.

I walked over to him and told him I would not get in the way and would never even know I was here. Kate walked over to the bed side table and put her cigarette down. You could tell they were a bit nervous. Kate took the lead and I sat in the chair and tried to be as quiet as I could. She began by kissing his neck and un buttoning his shirt. He began to feel her up through her clothes and it got kind of hot and heavy with a lot of grinding going on.

Kate then broke away and untied her halter top and took it off and threw it on the bed. He stared at her nicely shaped breasts. Her nipples were very hard and erect. She took his hand and put it on her nipple. She responded by reaching out and grabbing his crotch area through his pants.

They began to kiss again and he began to search for and find the zipper to her skirt. He unzipped it and it fell to the floor. She stood there in heels and her black thong. I was watching my wife with a total stranger for the first time. Some how, Kate had blocked out my presence there and was actually enjoying it. She sat back on the bed and undid his pants, pulled them down some and pulled out his now very stiff cock. No it is not the massive cock in stories, but a stranger cock non the less. Kate took her time and really worked on his cock, I could tell by the expression on his face he was enjoying it. I was watching my wife suck a cock, that was not mine. She could tell that he was about to cum so my wife stopped and got up. She walked over to her cigarette and took a puff. He took the rest of his clothes off. Kate then stripped off her thong and took a last drag off the cigarette and pulled down the covers.

“Are you going to return the favor?” she said while rubbing her pussy.He got on the bed and went down on her as she stoked his cock. “I have some condoms on the night stand,” she told him .Kate laid on the bed and he got on top of her. He spread her legs and moved between them. I could tell he was entering her, she arched her back and let him enter her. She pulled her knees to her chest and he began to screw her. My stomach was in knots. He continue to slid in and out of her, Kate was now really enjoying to it. They kept that position for a while, and he asked her to roll over on all fours. Kate has such a fantastic butt and the tattoo really sets it off. He got behind her and slid his cock back into her.

Kate likes that position and begged him to go deeper.

He grabbed her by the waist and began to pull her toward his strokes. He was really pounding her hard.

Kate held her head in the pillow and she was really starting to moan. His strokes became faster and I could tell he was about to blow.Finally he was done, he just stayed attached to her, getting his breath. He pulled out and she rolled over on her side.

He staggered to his feet and began to put on his clothes. Kate reached over and grabbed her cigarettes and lit one.”Baby, can you get me a mountain dew?”

I got up and brought her a soda out of the refrigerator. By then he was kind of dressed and he mumbled a good by and thanks before he left.

I looked down at her laying on her side in the bed.

She was naked, smoking a cigarette. She looked so trashy, so sexy, so slutty, so beautiful.

“Well, was it what you thought it would be like?” She asked.”Actually better, much better. I would guess you came this time,” I responded.

“Yes I did, it was better with him, I could actual feel him in me”, , “Now it is your turn to finish it up.”

With that, she rolled on her back and spread her legs.

Her pussy to her ass hole was soaked.

I went down on her pussy. As I continued licking her, she began to really get into it. She grabbed my head and shook in a violent orgasm.

I could not wait and got between her legs and I slid my cock into her. I could still see him fucking her as I made love to her. But it did not really make a difference. Both she and I were good with it. I guess it was no going back after this… and I did not want to.


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