Sex, drugs, and an unexpected threesome

sex stories

A few years ago I was dating a very lovely young lady, for the sake of this story we will call her Hailey. Hailey was my ex-girlfriend’s best friend, and we had been good friends throughout my relationship with my ex, but when that relationship ended Hailey swooped in and claimed me for her own. I wasn’t complaining, Hailey was 5’2″, 95lbs with 28H breasts and the tightest, tiniest pussy I’ve ever experienced. She was a goddess, and little did I know she was a freak too.

Once during my relationship with my ex, she told me about a time her and Hailey got drunk together in the hot tub and Hailey started asking weird questions like “don’t you think girl’s bodies are so sexy?” and “have you ever considered being with a girl?.” After some more of these questions, my ex was getting a little nervous and then suddenly she felt a hand on her inner thigh. She didn’t know what to do, so she started talking about something trivial. As she talked, the hand moved up her thigh and under her swimsuit and began rubbing her clit. My ex freaked out, got up, and left, and her and Hailey never spoke of it again.

Back to the story… Hailey and I have been dating for a few months. We’ve had plenty of sex, but it’s mostly vanilla and because of her small size we have to be extra careful so I don’t hurt her during sex. One night we get drunk and one of my friends offers us some adderall, promising we will both be up all night talking and connecting on a level we didn’t think possible. Both being experimental people, we took the pills, and went on with our night.

What my friend didn’t tell us is that adderall is also a sexual enhancing drug… and he didn’t tell us to not take too many adderall. What followed was a 16 hour bender where we both lay naked together watching porn, watching eachother masturbate, playing with eachother, and talking about our most sexual fantasies. I notice right away that every time Hailey picks a porn for us to watch, it’s almost always lesbian porn, and when I turn on “normal” (MF) porn, she seems into it… but when lesbian porn comes on, her breathing gets heavy and her pussy gets dripping wet as she rubs herself and groans and says things like “holy fuck thats hot” and “I wish that was me.”

Finally, I have to ask: “do you like girls baby?”

Hailey looks at me with her baby girl eyes and says “I fucking love girls, I want one so bad, can we play with one?”

It took me a few moments to really understand what was happening: my 10/10 girlfriend wants to bring another girl into the bedroom. We immediately jumped onto the internet, making ads on craigslist, reddit, tumblr… anywhere we could, looking for a girl to bring into our sexual play. After meeting a few girls that didn’t meet Hailey’s standards (they had to be skinny, shaved, cute in the face, basically 9/10 or better), she began looking through her Facebook friends list for girls. It only took a few minutes before she found one she liked, a girl named Megan.

Megan was your standard sexy hipster girl… long brown hair, thick black glasses, fit, dressed very cute. Drugged up Hailey was immediately in lust, “can I have her please?” she asked of me.

“You can have whoever you want, but remember that asking someone you know in real life to join us in bed could have consequences.” I said to her.

“I don’t care, I want her and I want her now.” my girl said in return.

So now it was on. Hailey messaged Megan, and after some chit chat got Megan to agree to come over that night to take adderall and smoke weed with us all night. Hailey didn’t, however, explain to Megan that we were planning to bring her into bed with us. This excited me more than anything else… I was going to get to watch it all go down live and in person! Every boy’s dream come true.

I prepared for things as best I could… But I had never had a threesome, let alone this way. I bought as much adderall as I could find, a few hits of ecstasy, a bottle of vodka and some redbull, condoms, some lingerie for Hailey, and a brand new Hitachi Wand for the girls to play with.

As it grew closer to the time when Megan was supposed to arrive, Hailey wanted to take some of the adderall right away, “so I’m good and open and horny when she gets here” she said. I wasn’t going to say no, so we dosed up, made ourselves some drinks, and Hailey took to the Internet to watch lesbian porn to psych herself up for what was about to happen.

As the drugs kicked in, I wanted a cigarette, so I got up and started walking to the garage when Hailey said from the bedroom “Megan should be here any minute now!” I could hear the raw excitement in her voice. I went outside and lit up a cigarette and not two minutes later a car pulled up. It was Megan. She hopped out of the car and greeted me with a hug.

“I’m so excited for tonight, I love getting fucked up with fun people!” she said to me. I could barely hold back my excitement as I put out my cigarette and opened the door for Megan.

As we walked into the house together I immediately heard the sounds of porn being played on my TV. Megan and I both looked to the living room at the same time to see Hailey, topless, laying on the couch watching porn and touching herself through her leggings.

I fought my initial urge to jump right in and play with her and turned to look at Megan. Her face was a confusing jumble of emotions… Confusion, fright, surprise…

“What are you doing!?” Megan exclaimed to Hailey.

“I’m sorry, the drugs make me so fucking horny I couldn’t help myself!” Hailey responded. Megan laughed as Hailey got up and turned the porn off, slipping her bra back on but nothing more. Without hesitation I handed Megan a generous dosage of adderall and made her a drink. Hailey and I dosed up again as well, and we all sat around in the living room for a few hours talking about nothing and everything while the drugs set in.

After a few hours of chit chat, Hailey got up and said “I have to go to the bathroom, Megan come with!” Thinking nothing of two girls going to the bathroom together, I took the opportunity to smoke another cigarette.

Once my break was over, I went back inside and the girls were no where to be found. I knocked gently on the bathroom door, “is everything alright in there?” A few moments passed and then Hailey responds “yeah we’ll be out in a minute!”

A few minutes passed and the girls finally come out of the bathroom. Megan has a very odd look on her face as she says “can we take the ecstasy now?” I wasn’t going to argue and we dosed up. Not 30 minutes later Hailey says “I’ll be right back” and walks into the bedroom and closes the door. Megan and I make small talk, and a few moments later the bedroom door opens and there stands Hailey in the most see through, sexy lingerie I’ve ever laid eyes on. Megan and I sit in silence as Hailey walks into the living room, and I now notice the tall heels she’s put on as well. Hailey walks straight to Megan and straddles her on the couch.

Megan, not knowing how to react, starts laughing and says “why are you being so silly right now Hailey!?”

Hailey, without hesitation, responds “I’m not being silly, I’m trying to make you wet”

Megan turns bright red and stumbles through saying “Um, Hailey, what’s going on here?”

Hailey takes Megan’s hand, stands up, and starts leading her toward the bedroom. Just as they cross the threshold, Hailey turns to me and says “Give us a bit”

At this point, I’m jacked, rolling my balls off, and shaking uncontrollably at the thought of the threesome that is about to take place. I pack a bowl and sit in the garage, chain smoking cigarettes and weed while I wait for Hailey and Megan to have their alone time, the whole while wondering what’s going on in my bedroom without me.

My phone starts vibrating. I look at it… Facetime call from Hailey. I accept the call and see my girl’s face smiling at me. “Watch this” she says, as the camera flips around and I see Megan’s naked body laying on my bed. She’s got the Hitachi Wand in her hands, positioned between her legs on her pussy. I now can hear the whirr of the vibrator, and soft moans from Megan as she pleasures herself. After a few moments of watching Megan masturbate with the toy I had purchased earlier, the camera flips around again and I see Hailey on her knees with her legs spread, right in front of Megan, rubbing herself with her fingers while she watches Megan masturbate.

“I’m fucking coming in there” I finally say, my cock now harder than it’s ever been.

“Not yet, we’re not ready for you yet!” Hailey responds, ending the Facetime call.

The frustration at this point is killing me. I chain smoke a few more cigarettes and finally a text pops up on my phone.

Hailey: Come in here and follow my lead.

I walk through the house and when I finally reach the bedroom door, I open it slowly. Not much has changed since the Facetime call… Megan is still masturbating with the wand, and Hailey is sitting in front of her, watching intently and fingering herself.

As Hailey sees me enter the room, she sits up straight and looks at me with a devilish smile. She motions for me to come watch with her, and I take my clothes off and then take a seat on the bed next to my girl. Megan, oblivious to our presence, continues to pleasure herself with the wand, and Hailey and I touch ourselves and eachother for a while as we watch the amazing show in front of us.

Time passes, probably at least an hour, and by now there is a very noticable damp spot on the bed under Megan, as she’s become so wet from cumming so many times in a row. Megan finally pulls the wand away from herself, breathing heavily and says “Holy fuck I could do that forever!”

Hailey, as if this were the moment she was waiting for, jumps up to the top of the bed and takes Megan’s arms and holds them down against the bed. They kiss passionately for a few moments while I still sit and watch the amazing spectacle happening in front of me. They finally break off their kiss, and Hailey looks to me and says “Use the wand on her baby.”

Following Hailey’s lead, I pick up the wand and turn it on, very gently pressing it against Megan’s dripping pussy. The moans and squirming start again, but Hailey holds Megan’s arms down to keep her from moving. Hailey leans forward, sucking and biting on Megan’s nipples as I toy her. At least an hour goes by like this until finally Hailey crawls up onto Megan’s face and presses her pussy against Megan’s mouth. Megan, like she knew exactly what she was doing, began furiously eating Hailey out. Now both of them are moaning uncontrollably while I watch them and toy Megan’s pussy with the wand.

More time passes. More drugs are taken. I finally break and say I need to take a cigarette break, put some pants on, and step outside; the girls can’t be distracted and continue with eachother while I’m gone. I get a text from Hailey just before I return inside that says:

Don’t question me, just do as I say.

Confused, I walk back into the bedroom and take my clothes off again. Hailey has been busy, using two bathrobe draw strings to tie Megan’s arms to the bedposts. Hailey is between Megan’s spread legs, and I step closer to see what’s going on… Hailey is double penetrating Megan with toys, and Megan is loving every second of it. I watch for a few moments and then Hailey pulls both toys out and turns to me and says “are you ready to make this slut ours?”

Not knowing what this means but remembering my girlfriend’s request, I respond “I’m ready baby”

Megan, out of breath and still half moaning, looks up and says to both of us “What do you mean…?” Before Megan can finish the sentence, Hailey tightens up the ties holding Megan’s arms, and then jumps on top of Megan, straddling her stomach facing her feet, and pins Megan’s legs open. “Get over here and let me watch you fuck our little slut” Hailey says, the tone in her voice naughtier than I’ve ever heard.

Megan tries to break free, exclaiming “What the fuck do you mean!?”

Hailey responds with the same naughty tone, “We’re making you our little fuck slut, don’t try to fight it.”

Hailey motions for me to come over to the bed, and I do immediately. “Fuck her right now” Hailey exclaims, and without hesitation I slap Megan’s soaking pussy with my cock a few times before plunging myself into her. Megan’s frantic attempts to break free subside as I get my cock fully inside of her, and she lets out a loud moan. “Now fuck her harder than you fuck me!” Hailey cries out, and I immediately begin pounding Megan. After a minute or two of hard fucking, Megan begins to try to break free again, but my tiny girlfriend holds her down and keeps saying things like “Stop fighting it, you know you love my man’s cock” and “Just enjoy it.”

After about 10 minutes of pounding Megan, Hailey pushes me off of her and gets up off Megan. Megan is out of breath and has now cum multiple times on my cock, and no sooner have Hailey and I gotten off her, Megan exclaims “I love being your little slut, use me more please.”

Hailey helps Megan turn over, hands still tied but now her ass up in the air ready for more. Hailey slaps Megan’s tight little ass and tells me “now fuck her again.” I waste no time diving back into that wet, tight pussy, and Megan immediately returns to loud moaning. No more than 5 thrusts in and Hailey has a butt plug in her hands and is lubing it up. Megan can’t see this so she can’t prepare, and without warning Hailey plunges the rather large plug into Megan’s ass. Megan lets out a pleasure scream and tries to break free again to stop the penetration of her ass, but Hailey and the ties hold her still.

After a few minutes of toying her ass, Hailey says “she’s ready, fuck her in the ass right now so I can watch.” Hailey was adamantly against anal sex in our relationship, so this caught me off guard, but Hailey immediately dumps a generous amount of lube onto her hands, pulls my cock out of Megan’s pussy, lubes me up, and guides my throbbing member to Megan’s well lubed and prepared asshole.

“Oh my god I’m not ready!” Megan squeels as my cock begins to penetrate her tight little asshole. I try to be gentle, but after a few moments of me trying to gently penetrate Megan’s asshole, Hailey exclaims “stop fucking around and fuck her ass!” I snap into action and begin pounding Megan’s ass, and Megan. not prepared at all, lets out the loudest pleasure scream I’ve ever heard. Hailey holds Megan’s ass open for me, and every minute or two drops some more lube on my cock as it pummels Megan’s asshole.

About 15 minutes of hard ass fucking later, Hailey tells me to stop. I pull out of Megan’s ass, and Megan lets out one last loud pleasure moan and then says “holy fuck I’ve never done that before but I loved it!”

Hailey unties Megan, and they embrace eachother and kiss passionately while fingering eachother for a few minutes. Finally Hailey stops, gets up, walks out of the bedroom and then back in with a chair from the kitchen. She places the chair directly in front of the bed, and then says “Sit here Megan, and don’t stop watching.” Megan sits in the chair, still out of breath, and Hailey hands her the wand.

Hailey pushes me onto the bed and grabs my cock, still covered in lube and pussy and ass, and takes it into her mouth. I lean back and close my eyes, letting my girl do what she wants, and a moment later I hear the familiar whirr of the wand again; Megan is masturbating while watching us!

Hailey and I proceed to spend 3 hours pleasuring eachother without actually having sex; oral both ways, me using toys on Hailey, Hailey giving me hand jobs, 69, anal toy play, and everything else we could think of, the whole time Megan is working her pussy with the wand. Finally Hailey gets on her hands and knees on the bed, facing Megan, their faces only a foot or two apart, and says “Fuck me now.” I climb up behind Hailey and mount her, and she locks eyes with Megan. I thrust myself into her and the two start moaning loudly, Megan watching us fuck and Hailey with her eyes locked on the show Megan was providing her.

Hours pass like this, Hailey and I fucking in every position imaginable while Megan observes and masturbates, never joining in. Finally Hailey tells me it’s time for me to cum and motions for Megan to come onto the bed. Megan lays down and Hailey instructs me to straddle her chest, and I do. Hailey kisses Megan passionately on the mouth, and then begins sucking my cock inches away from Megan’s face, but this time Hailey isn’t sucking for fun, she’s sucking for cum. She pushes my cock so deep into her tiny face that I can see the bulge in her throat when she takes it all the way in, and after a few minutes of this I exclaim “I’m going to cum!”

Hailey pulls me out of her mouth and starts jerking me quickly, and just as I begin to cum she points my cock at Megan’s face, plastering the biggest load I’ve ever blown all over Megan’s face and tits. Hailey milks my cock for every last drop, and once she’s satisfied she licks my cum off Megan’s face.

The girls shower together, and I shower after, cleaning off the hours of sex. As I’m walking out of the bathroom I see Megan, dressed with her coat and bag, ready to leave. Hailey, naked except for a lace thong, gives Megan a big hug and runs into the bedroom quick, coming back with the wand.

“I want you to take this and use it every day, and think of us when you do.” Hailey says to Megan.

“I’m pretty sure I’m going to be thinking about you two when I masturbate for a long, long time.” Megan says, still out of breath.


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