Very strange encounter

sex stories

This is a true story, only the names have changed. OK I didn’t have to change the names because I’m not using any. It’s a short story, as stories go, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself with this couple and making this encounter a story. I hope you enjoy it. I was looking at some swinger ads online a few years ago when an IM popped up. It was a guy asking if I wanted to have his wife suck my cock. I said “absolutely” and he sent a picture of an older Asian lady with good looks. By older I mean in her 40’s.

I was in my early 30’s and was always up for a hot time. At that time in my life I had been with one couple and was not interested in gay or bi play. Getting sucked off by an Asian gal was something I had always enjoyed. Whether her hubby was there or not made no difference to me. Soon I pulled up next to them on my motorcycle at a local shopping center . She looked me over briefly and told her man “OK”. Off we went to my place. We went straight to the bedroom and he told me to lay back naked while she did the deed.

I complied and she stayed dressed, took me in her mouth and started sucking. He sat on the edge of the bed and after a minute I asked him if he wanted to fuck her while she sucked me off. He said no thanks but lowered her panties and ran his hand up to her cunt, fingering her and making her squirm. It wasn’t too long before I told her I was about to cum. She kept sucking and working her hand on my cock as her hubby fingered her hot cunt. In a few moments I started shooting a load in her mouth. She pulled back slightly and let a blast or two hit her square in the face. (I was younger then and could really blast out a hot load! Now, not so much, but still a lot of cum) I had her dripping cum and she went to work sucking me till I was almost totally soft. Then he stood her up and asked if they could use the bathroom. I pointed it out and they went in.

I heard him tell her “we need to clean up that mess”. I saw him in the mirror take a washcloth and towel and then, to my surprise, he gave her a big kiss on her cum covered face! She kissed him back and swapped some cum with him. For some reason this really turned me on. Watching this couple who just let me have a great cum, continue to play, was making my cock stand up again! As I continued to watch in the mirror, he licked all my cum from her face. As they left they looked at me lying on my bed jacking off my now hard cock. They both smiled and he licked his lips as they left. I never saw them again in person but chatted with him a couple more times. He admitted he liked to suck cock with her now and then, but they never made a second date with me.


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