Our first crazy exsperience at exclusive sex party

sex stories

Hi I am Jody, 36 5’5 118 lbs 32a small tiny breast very very sensitve, with great nipples, but ya basically not boobs. I say I stand out, i have short blonde hair cut like a boy, bushy eye browsn with big brown eyes, I have a very desticntive look. My husband is 6’0 200 lbs more handsome then cute. Very very laid back. We met in college, sex was good at begining i guess like any relationship. My husband works in the pharmasutical business makes very very good money, but he is gone for work 3-4 times a week making sales. I AM Stay home mom, I work out daily, and volunteer once a week at childrens hospital, We live an hour south of chicago, I am from indiana origianlly. When i comes to sex I am the aggressor, husband is so laid back is it haunting. I even think he is having an affair when he is gone. We only have sex like 1 time a week, you would think when he comes home he be hornY and want me.

Its always botherd me, but guess with kids and work, and him getting older, seems his zest for sex is not there. He was flying home from denver and told him i had a baby sitter and would meet him out for dinner. I dressed up pretty sexy short skirt and heels, and we met for dinner. Yes didn’t really even say I look hot, or nice. we were at bar have a few drinks and a couple just flew in from san diego, was asking how we like chicago and what to do. both attractive couple she was opposite of me , she was dark hair and and very large breast, not sure if even real. and eys my husband has asked me to get implants before. Well we all drank and talked, and then we headed to dance floor, they were kinky and she was ginding with my husband and me with hers. All in good fun. they were a very flirty couple. Well it got late, and we headed home, yes wow husband came on to me,and we had good sex. then when we woke up in the morning, he came on to me again, and i couldn’t help but to think when he was fucking me if he was thinking of other women from last night. we got done and we were just laying there and i said to him, that when he went to the bathroom, the couple asked if we wanted to go back to hotel room. He said really? I said yes, I said would you of went. he shocked me and said ya, we have good marriage why not. I was pretty shocked, seeing he never seems sexually arroused. I said would you ever go to a swingers club? he said maybe.

I told him my friend monica, tried to get into a very exclusive club, but she said she didn’t get in. reason why she said was they had too many tatoos. I called her seeing my husband wanted to be sponateoutous for once. she told me a website to go on, and she gave me a password to get onto site, on other members can give you password. So I went on gave password, and once i was only i had to fill out alot of questionaires, one was how much income, you make, and ht wt body stats, etc, but no pics. So filled it, out and then got a reply back they for not we were accepted, and they gave us and address for event friday. Was in small town outside chicago in barrington. So we decided to head there men had to dress up women in dresses. I wore short but classy dress, with mesch top where you can kinda see my nipples thru.

Well we drove to address, and was out on A COUNTRY ROAD. we pulled up to drivewat and it was gated. there was acode amching there like a car wash, we entered password,and wo gate opened. long driveway with lots of trees, and the drivway was 1/2 mile back. We pulled up and wow, this couple had money this was a mansion,and was huge. very intiminating to go to door, but we went this far so, we kept going. we walked up door gave them our profile code, then 4 people greeted us,and you can tell check us out from head to toe. the owner a attractive older lady, took us into a room and gave us the scoop. She was blunt , in what hse said. she said, from looks we passed to get in the club for one everning. she said to most members are rich or make good money and its a 1000.00 a month to be part, we also had to be tested once a month for diseases, and one of the memebers is a doctoreand will do it probono.

She said because of this condoms are not a neccessity, but can use if you want. she said go mingle, tour the house, and she would catch up with at end of night, and can let us know if we are into this exlcusive club. So we walked around and yes, most every was very attractive and dress to the hilt. alot of people cam us to us to say high, and yes lots of lawyers doctors, high professional people,and people from out of state flying in. One couple was black, but very very light black. im not into black guy and husband not either but thease two, were extremely attractive and they were from canada. when then walked out by the pool, and wow, lots of clothes were off and lots of girls kissing girls, and lets just say lots of more extra corrricular activities, too. we went back into house and went upstairs and was a group of people standing around this window, so we headed over there. there were couples inside windows having sex and people could watch. yes voyeruisem, and have to say very hot.The owner and hostess met back up with us it now was about 10:30. she asked what we thought and said wow, this house was built for sex.

She then said ok follow me, we went up evern more stairs, and then we go to a room, and said, time for your iniation. We said what do you mean. She told us, we had to be iniated into club. She she we will enter this room ablsoutley not talking or will escort us out of house. she also told us, we can leave at anytime, and nothing was keeping us in there. she then asked whow would like to go first. I said guess i will, but talked with hubby and asked if he wanted to go thru with this. He said ya, seeing we can leave at anytime.

So we went thru like this secret door in the back of this huge walk in closet. We entered room, must of been about 1000 candles lite, the walls and ceiling were all mirrors. we walked in and layed me down on this bed. my husband was at end of bed in a chair that looked like king would sit in it. i looked around some faces were familiar, the black couple i rememver and very attractive blonde from the pool area, otther i did not rememver seeing , though there were 5 guys and girls just standing their. Then 5 women came over and all took there hands and just started stroking softly my body all over, and yes i was lying there complelety naked. then after that one on each nipple one was kissing me one was licking my legs thighs and toes and one was licking my pussy, soon as i was about ready to come, they would all swithch positions and then next girl would start eating my pussy.

I never thought of being with women before, and i have to say they licked my pussy better then i have ever had it licked before, they all new what they were doing. i WAS IN heaven and squirming on table alot, finally the last girl licked me to compltion, the one girl kissing me then said you can moan just not talk. then i screammed out a load moan as she made me cum like never before, my toes curled and body shook like neve before. I layed there for 3-5 minutes then wow i had 4 naked guys standing next to me and not sure why the black gentleman stay away. they too rubbed me soft, then one guy too my legs,and another guy too, another leg, adn yes held up my legs, and one guy came up the middle and started fucking me, of course i was super wet, and yes one after another fucked me, i was pretty drained, and then they left, and the black guy came over and said one more and you passed, he brought his cock over and it was huge wondering if it would even fit. he got on top and slowly started to stick it in. he wisherperd in my ear you can take all 12 inches, it made me wet and he bagan to get all of it in and bang me really fucking hard, couldn’t believe it, then turned me over fucked me hard, and then i got on top and took every inch of it, and my hubby watch every inch and sec of it, i must of been good, he then pullled out and cam on my ass. my husband then had a way easier task, he had to fuck all 5 women, i was like wow i had 5 women and men-ha ha, think maybe we good thing . my hushband is a quick cumer, and fucked two women and cam, they told him to pass he had to cum with 3 of the other women. and yes he did. all in all we passed and were included in there club. we did pay the 1000 a month, but didn’t attend party this first year, we did fly to canada and had a fuck session with the black couple. reason they are in swingers club is his wife cannot take the pounding of his big cock every week, i understand i am sore after being with them. Well we will keep u posted on any new fun. jody and ben


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