Party crasher

Susan age 29 never married has just moved in last week to the condo next to mine. I was having a party and she came over to introduce herself to me. People started to filter[…]

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Mary kay convention

The set up was perfect. A cosmetics convention filled with women at a hotel conference center. At the end of the long day of meetings lots of women get drunk, not having to worry about[…]

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Model turns slut

I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modeling job. I was surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractive girl to model swimsuits would be an easy task,[…]

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Errands gone good

We're out running around and looking for something to do…we fucked that morning…but I haven't had enough…i want you again and it hasn't left my mind ever since earlier…slowly, without you noticing i slip my[…]

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Camp (long story)

It was morning at camp, this camp was nothing like any camp anyone had ever been to, all the kids there were kids that were living rough, kids who had no parents, they were brought[…]

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Enslaved secretary 1

“I don’t see that you have much choice, Miss James,” Alex said, leaning back into the heavily-padded, monstrous swivel chair behind his desk. The chair was made of rich black leather and it’s back reached[…]

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T or d

screamed Logan as he danced in the end zone. There were 4 of the teenage boys playing a 2-on-2-football game. They were all here because it was the one’s birthday. Bryce was the one turning[…]

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Watching elena

While taking care of the orange groves for a rancher in Visalia, California, I was always running into weird things in the orange groves. Sometimes I'd find evidence of hastily removed drug labs, remnants of[…]

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Betty I’ve always been attracted to mature women. Even as a young man. Though, to be honest, I can find something to like about most women. In my early teens our family moved to Lauderdale[…]

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