Louisa's lessons

Chapter 1 – Dad is not happy with Daughter. Louisa sat on her bed thinking over the events of the last two weeks. She was 18 and had just finished college, and was enjoying her[…]

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Hidden watcher

He quietly walked around the house searching for any sign of someone still there. After searching for several minutes he was convinced that everyone was gone. Looking at the note left of the fridge he[…]

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Cuckold for kelley

CUCKOLD FOR KELLEY By Cuckold for Kelley I sat on the bed and watched as Kelley got ready to go out. She adjusted the short, tight skirt that barely covered her cute little ass. She[…]

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Silken manacles

Isn't it funny how the most incongruous of details seem to be the ones that linger in memory in times of extreme duress? This idea fluttered through Diane Greer's scattered thoughts as she watched two[…]

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"sweaty" part 1

/> by Julius Copyright 2005 Mitzi rang the bell. Nobody answered, so she opened the screen door and rapped with her knuckles. The door swung open a couple of inches. Blowing a drop of sweat[…]

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I am 34, married for 8 yrs, mother of a 4 yr old. Once my husband had an invitation to attend an important congregation of commercial photographers. He wanted me to look at my absolute[…]

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Kidnapping a slut

I've been wanting you for so fucking long. Watching you from afar. Seeing you walk around the neighborhood with your dog. Studying your habits. When you get up..when you turn off the light. Stalking you[…]

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New life part 3

I awoke the next morning to a bird chirping in the palm tree outside my window. Glancing at the clock radio adjacent to my bed, I realized that it wasn’t even 8AM yet. I usually[…]

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