Vacation visit with sister

sex stories

Hi, my husband has tried for years to get me to showoff more around other people but i’m very shy and don’t feel comfortable showing off in public. I’m 34 and we have 3 kids and a very happy life. Everytime i got pregant my breast got bigger and didn’t go to there natural size after kids were born. I’m a natural 38EE 30 42 a full figure but proud of my flat belly. While on vacation we decided to drop by my sisters to visit for a couple of days.

Shes 28 with a smaller frame but a perfect body. She invited some of there friends over to meet us and to have a bar-b-que in backyard. They have some great friends and we were all having fun. Of course we were drinking and everyone was relaxed. My sister suggested we take a dip in the pool and everyone was all for it. But we hadn’t brought any swim suits because i don’t like for people to stare at my boobs. They all talked me into joining in and my sister told me she had a swim suit for me and my husband. We went to quest bedroom and put on swim suits that she had given us. Well shes a 36c and with her perfect body only had small bikinis.My boobs hung out from all sides of top and the bottom covered only half of my big ass.I had no attentions of going to backyard but the gleam in my husbands eye as he stared at me and the drinking for a couple of hours i decided what the hell.

My husband beamed with pride as i walked into the backyard. My breast wobblyed and bounced in all directions as i walked up to everyone. All the men stared at my breast. I tried to be calm and cover up at same time but was impossible. Bikini top barely covered my nipples. My sister and the other 2 women had on bikinis that barely covered anything. In fact my sisters bottoms were so small if she hadn’t been completely shaved her hair would have been visable from both sides. I finally relaxed after more drinks and the fact that the other women were practally nude. My husband kept reaching to untie my top and i kept slapping his hand away. Finally he was faster than my and untied my top.

All the guys started clapping and cheering so i thought what the hell and took it completely off.Every time i laughed or made any move my breast would swing wildly in front of everyone. The men commented several times how great my breast and nipples looked and my husband was in heaven with me showing off. The party ended and toward the end i was enjoying the men staring at my breast. Nothing more happened at the party but when we got home from vacation i stared showing off more for my husband. I now go braless from time to time and let breast swing freely under loose blouses. A couple of times when out with my husband i’ve even wore sheer blouse to clubs. I find it very enjoyable now and it seems to please my husband. Wish i had started showing off sooner.


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