Famous love

Heard of a French exchange? German exchange? Fucking Japanese exchange if you will? Ever heard of an American exchange? Yeah. Didn't think so. The whole point of an exchange, is to learn about the culture,[…]

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The anniversary …

I hurried around our large house, getting everything ready. I lit candles in the bedroom, and turned on some romantic music. I had already arranged for dinner to be on the table at 7pm. Now[…]

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Rachel desires

Rachel submission This is my first ……I hope all that read it will be kind and hopefully enjoy it. I welcome your feedback as it can only help me perform better. It was July a[…]

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Hard nipples

Steffi Lange swep into her office with a grim look on her face while her executive assistant, Shelly Engel, rolled her eyes and thought to herself, "Oh shit, it's gonna be one of those days!!!"[…]

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A good friend

Story of a good friend It was one of those perfect summers where nothing went wrong and everything was perfect. Except for that fact that I was best friends with a girl I could never[…]

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Aunt carol

it all started when i was young i was a pervert that was for sure hell if there was a good looking lady in the house i was peeping mirrors under the bathroom door ,hiding[…]

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Catfish -chapter 2-

Here's chapter 2… Right on time! I haven't gotten very much feedback on the first chapter, but what I have gotten is that people like my other story better… or that it's really different, and[…]

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