Young gay sex

It has been two years since my crush arrived at our boarding school. Every time I saw him, I would begin to imagine me inviting him to my room, persuading him into my bed. There[…]

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Flying high

We laugh together as we run into the air-conditioned airport terminal from the muggy heat outside. The effect was miraculous on you as I glanced at you once we were inside. Aside from raising your[…]

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Horny in the 60s

Back in the early 60s I was a horny teen and always trying to see my female cousins nude or at least check them out at my grandparents when visiting for the summer. They slept[…]

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Blue dress

Heather enjoyed comfortable lifestyle, she wanted and needed rough sex. Six months later she has the best of both worlds, and I love it. Heather and I are close in age, for the first time[…]

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Betty I’ve always been attracted to mature women. Even as a young man. Though, to be honest, I can find something to like about most women. In my early teens our family moved to Lauderdale[…]

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A night out

My wife and I took the week off from work so we could spend quality time together. We decided we would go out for dinner Monday night to a nice romantic restaurant. I am sitting[…]

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Milfs – part 5

MILFs – Part 5 Mona Wendell lay naked on the bed in her cabin, the sheets and blankets scattered in disarray. An empty bottle and glass were on the nightstand, the bottle on its side.[…]

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Speeding ticket

"Dispatch, this is 27." "This is dispatch. Hey, Johnson, you can loosen up on the formality. You're not in the big city now, just a sheriff's department in a big rural county, a bunch of[…]

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Agent 99

Agent 99 By Beagle9690 October, 2006 In the mid-1970's I was attending college full time on a sports scholarship. After one semester of living in the dormitories, I grew tired of dealing with the spoiled[…]

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The pool party

Sheri decided she needed to throw a singlers party. She called her friend Candy and they set it up. They must have invited 100 people. Only about a dozen guys showed up as none of[…]

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