The window

After my wife and I divorced the first thing I did after the ink on the divorce papers dried was to move back to the city. I was originally from the city and I had[…]

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The writer 1

Nick had a gift, one which he did not entirely understand, but a gift nonetheless of epic proportions. He was able to manifest anything which he could think of, simply by writing it down. Nick[…]

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My sister and me

Five years ago seems like a long time when it is looked at retrospectively, but in reality it's not that long ago. Since then my sister and i have grown apart and we rarely speak,[…]

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Two fleas

Two fleas are talking about winter migration and one's freezing its ass of. FLEA1: "I spent the whole trip in a biker's beard." FLEA2: "That's not the way you do it, what you do is[…]

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The end of lance

Being now in college, Lance thought he had to improve upon his social image. This upgrade also included getting a girl friend. At first, one may think this wasn’t strange. However, one simple problem existed;[…]

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