Enslaved secretary 1

“I don’t see that you have much choice, Miss James,” Alex said, leaning back into the heavily-padded, monstrous swivel chair behind his desk. The chair was made of rich black leather and it’s back reached[…]

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Late five

Late Five By Systematic Oh, boy. Practice. My favorite. Physical discomfort, questionable hygiene, pain, shouting. “What? No. No. I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean.” I snatched the marker out of his hand[…]

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Megan part 3

Megan: Yes Sir, I will be here…. Megan woke up with a start a dark black feeling in her stomach from the vivid dream she had just had. As she opened her eyes she smiled[…]

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The party

The Party‏ After the break-up of the man who had given me 3 years of ultimate pleasure, my friends suggested I go to the "Party of the Century". After all I had been through, I[…]

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Evil story of massive doom.

Mini character information for main characters: Anya: A cat-girl who enjoys playing around. Onihi: A demonic that likes to cause problems. Asoko: An angelic that thinks that Onihi is too much trouble. Asuko: A wandering[…]

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Camorra chapter 1

Camorra cursed, vehemently. Sliding back in the shadows of the alleyway, he watched as the young man joked and laughed with his friends. He'd let his admiration get in the way, again. He knew he[…]

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